preschools in Singapore
15 February, 2022 4 Minutes Read
Is it time to choose a preschool program for your child? This is not the easiest decision for parents in Singapore. The country has one of the best education systems in the world.For your child to easily adapt to formal school, consider enrolling them in one of the high-quality preschools in Singapore. But isn’t preschool just fun and playtime opportunities? Or the children are learning something unique in preschool.Well, that’s what many parents think, but they’re wrong. 7 Things Which Kids Are Learning In PreschoolPreschool is an essential phase of your child’s growth and development. The programs offer children the opportunity to grow holistically by creating the ideal learning environment in preschool. To appreciate the importance of these early schools, read on to discover some things taught here. 1. Creative ExpressionHave you noticed how your child loves playing with anything they touch? If you give your child a crayon and a piece of paper, you’ll love the reaction. Your child immediately starts drawing and never gets tired. Creative expression is one way through which children try to understand their world. If you don’t nurture this skill, your child misses out on an opportunity to grow.In preschool, the children are getting an opportunity for creative expression. Children express an interest in things around them early, and in schools, teachers utilize this curiosity to motivate kids to express themselves. From music, movements, making things/building stuff to playing, preschool teachers use fun activities to encourage this form of learning. 2. Gross And Fine Motor Skills If there’s one thing that children love, it has to be moving. Your child is always on the go from the moment they learn to crawl. For most parents in Singapore, handling children throughout the day during the early stages of growth is virtually impossible. In preschool programs, the teachers harness the child’s love for moving to nurture gross and fine motor skills.Physical growth starts with the development of gross motor skills. At home, you might not have the time to encourage your child to play all the time. However, preschool teachers use this as an opportunity to help your child develop their physicality. The fun games these kids play in school help development of muscles and build strength. Some activities used in preschool to develop gross motor skills include playing hopscotch, singing action songs, playing with bean bags, balancing on the beams, learning to climb up, hanging, skipping, and hopping. In a world where childhood obesity is on the rise, these physical activities help your child stay fit and grow critical body muscles. Children refine their fine motor driving skills. Fine muscles require more precise coordination in activities like writing, drawing, painting, and other activities. In class, teachers create activities that promote the development of fine motor skills. If your child has any learning disorder, teachers can easily notice it at this early stage.3. Math Skills Math skills are crucial in life, and it’s important for your child to learn these skills from an early age. In preschool, the children are learning basic skills that lay a solid foundation in mathematics. Some concepts skills learned at this stage include rote counting, classification of symbols, sorting, length, capacity, weight, area, temperature, time, space, and shapes. These abstract concepts make it easier for your child to understand the most complex mathematical skills in upper levels of education. 4. Language LearningIf you’re keen on your child’s growth, you might have noted how easily they learn words. Now, children pick up most of the knowledge from their environment, including language and everything else. If your child is in a preschool program, it’s easy for them to learn the basics of different languages. Preschool Singapore teachers use fun activities to teach language and vocabulary. These activities include Having circle time discussions, singing rhymes and songs, playing games, playing alone and with friends, learning about a theme, playing with toys, equipment, and other materials, storytelling, and listening to stories. 5. Basic Writing Skills Writing is another critical skill every child requires from an early age. In preschool programs, teachers use different activities to help children develop basic writing skills. Some of these skills include developing the right Pencil grip, crossing the midline, learning the formation of different letters through play, forming patterns, good posture, and core control. Through these activities, it’s easy for your child to practice and learn how to write gradually. 6. Basic Reading SkillsDuring early school learning, children develop their auditory skills. This is a great opportunity to develop pre-reading skills. By learning more in preschool about sounds and sound patterns, children understand what the teachers say. By working on this foundation, learners start making sounds and joining sounds to make meaning.7. Social SkillsOne of the most noticeable changes in kids who attend preschool is in social skills. In the family, your child has an easy time as the center of attention. Preschool presents an opportunity for the child to socialize away from the comfort zone. Your child learns to interact with others, compromise, collaborate, share, and live harmoniously with others. These are crucial skills in life. Final ThoughtsPreschool is an essential stage of education, though it’s not mandatory in the country. Your child learns these and many other skills. The learning programs prepare your child for the rigorous education system. If you want to enroll your child in preschool programs, now you have an idea of what they will be learning. Read Also:How To Make A Bow Out Of Ribbon: Step-By-Step Guide