Mony Shah 27.05.2024
Tizandine refers to a muscle relaxant that helps certain muscles in our body to relax. Not only does it relieve cramping and spasms, but it also helps with muscle tightness.
Apart from reducing spasticity, it also helps patients dealing with chronic back and neck pain as well as chronic migraines.
The initial dose begins with 2 mg, but in severe cases, you might be recommended 4 mg of Tinzadine, which is the maximum dose in a span of 24 hours.
– Ensure not to exceed more than three doses. – Prolonged use of the medicine can reduce liver and kidney functions.
– Drowsiness Energy loss – Dry mouth – Dizziness – Reduced blood pressure – Hallucinations and rare psychosis – Blurred vision – Chest pain – Troubled breathing – Lightheadedness