is it ok to drink wine while pregnant

Is It Ok To Drink Wine While Pregnant?

Quitting old habits during pregnancy may be difficult. And the new mamas keep questioning is it ok to drink wine while pregnant. If you are about to be a mum and are wondering if it is ok to do so, you may not get satisfactory answers anywhere.

While some doctors ask you to strictly prohibit alcohol or wine during pregnancy, others, others suggest that it is fine to do it once in a while. The debate goes on and on.


But in my opinion, I would suggest that it is better if you can stay from that glass of wine you love to drink every day with dinner.

But if you want a bit more information, this article is here to help you. Here, we will discuss why it is not very wise to drink wine while pregnant.

Is It Ok To Drink Wine While Pregnant?

Regardless of what you hear from wherever the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists advises that no amount of alcohol should be consumed during pregnancy.

While red wine may sound way more sophisticated than a beer pint or tequila shot, they are all equally harmful if consumed during pregnancy.

The reason why any kind of alcohol can give you the buzz is because of the ethanol or ethyl alcohol present in it. It is a toxin to your body and the tiny baby growing inside you. If you are concerned, then yes, even the European Medical College agrees to it. In countries like Denmark, UK, Norway, and Italy, alcohol falls under the list of harmful drugs that can affect pregnant women.

So, whoever tries to tell you otherwise, make sure you avoid their words under all circumstances.

How Much Wine Is Too Much Wine?

How Much Wine Is Too Much Wine

“The problem with drinking alcohol during your pregnancy is that there is no amount that has been proven to be safe,”

says Jacques Moritz, director, MD of gynecology at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital in New York.

David Garry, the chair of the Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Task Force for the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, agrees with this statement. He says there is not enough research done to understand the potential consequences of alcohol consumption at specific times during pregnancy. But, to be on the safe side, it is better to refrain from it.

It is also tough to predict alcohol’s impact as some women have more enzymes that can help break down the alcohol.

“If a pregnant woman with low levels of this enzyme drinks, her baby may be more susceptible to harm because the alcohol may circulate in her body for a longer period of time,”

Gary further mentions.

The big problem is that there is still a lot that remains unknown when it comes to drinking during pregnancy. So, doctors suggest that you do not drink at all.

Experts note that women who consume alcohol during pregnancy risk delivering a baby with a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder or FASD. This condition may go from mild to severe and include language and speech delays, abnormal facial features, learning disabilities, small size of the head, and many other issues.

Harmful Effects Of Alcohol

Harmful Effects Of Alcohol

Before you grab yourself that glass of wine, just give this a read and be a judge yourself.

On The Baby

Even the littlest amount of alcohol can affect the baby. It is absolutely not worth it to put the baby’s life at risk. So, your favorite Pinot Noir can harm the baby in these ways:

  • Alcohol goes in the bloodstream. And, through your placenta, it can easily go to the baby.
  • The baby may get a higher blood concentration than you. Their small developing body may not be able to get rid of it as easily as you can.
  • Alcohol blocks some of the nutrition and oxygen that your baby requires for healthy growth.
  • In some cases – primarily in larger quantities – alcohol slows or harms organ growth. It may even cause permanent brain damage to the growing baby.

Babies having fetal alcohol spectrum disorder may seem healthy, but they suffer from problems like:

  • Behavior
  • Body coordination
  • Learning
  • Understanding consequences
  • Attention and focus

The most serious type of FASD is known as fetal alcohol syndrome. This health condition may result in:

  • Smaller head size
  • Abnormal facial features
  • Lower-than-average weight
  • Lower-than-average height
  • Hearing problems
  • Heart defects
  • Vision problems
  • Smaller brain
  • Kidney problems
  • Bone problems

On Pregnancy

Some issues during pregnancy and birth are associated with alcohol. But they may not be called proper alcohol-related birth problems. These may include:

  • Slower growth in the womb
  • Miscarriage
  • Low birth weight
  • Premature birth 

On Breastfeeding

Drinking wine while you breastfeed the baby may also lead to other issues. Drinking alcohol may be associated with problems like:

  • Poor sleeping patterns for the baby
  • Low production of breastmilk
  • Poor infant development

On Later Childhood

Consuming alcohol during pregnancy can give rise to other issues which may show up later in the child’s life.

These may include at-risk behaviors and other social issues. According to a study, FASD is 18.5 times higher in individuals in the psyche ward. And it is 30.3 times higher in the prison population.

Drinking during pregnancy may put your child at risk of:

We are not suggesting that all these problems are going to necessarily happen. We are not trying to scare you either. But you just open yourself and your baby to more risks by consuming alcohol while pregnant. This is only a piece of advice as we want the best for you and your baby, which we hope is of top priority to you as well.

However, if you are struggling with an alcohol addiction, quitting is a huge challenge. In this case, it is better to talk to a healthcare provider and let your family and friends help you if they want to.

The Bottom Line

So, you tell me now, is it ok to drink wine while pregnant? Are you ready to take the risk of scarring your baby for life? Can you imagine the amount of physical trauma you are going to induce on them for a little bit of enjoyment? No mother would want that for their child. So, regardless of what you hear and what people say, DO NOT DRINK ANY ALCOHOL WHILE PREGNANT.

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About Author

Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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Tyson Ernser

19 March, 2024

This post has been incredibly helpful, exactly what I was searching for.
