Is It OK To Eat Watermelon Seeds

Being a child, our biggest fear was to swallow the seeds of fruits, especially a fruit that’s big as a watermelon. We always thought we would end up having a watermelon grown inside our tummy.  But it’s all a myth! There is no potential harm in eating watermelon seeds. In fact, most people consume them for different reasons. Hence, there are no more worries about consuming it mistakenly.  Let’s dive deeper into the article and discover- “is it ok to eat watermelon seeds.” I have also listed other queries about watermelon seeds, as well. So sit back and relax as we unfurl a few essential details about it.  Different Types Of Watermelon Seeds Available What’s the first thing you see after cutting a fresh, pulpy watermelon brought from the market? The seeds, right? Only after you’re done savoring the reddish treat, you're going to get afterward.  There are basically two types of seeds found inside the fruit- one is black, and the other one is white in color. But how are they different? Black seeds inside the watermelon are mature and fertile in nature. This simply indicates that you can plant them and later have a watermelon plant. But that’s not the case with their white counterparts.  White seeds in watermelon are immature in nature and have time to become fertile. On planting them, they cannot become a plant as the sprout is yet to be developed. Hence, these seeds appear translucent and thinner.  While consuming the fruit, if you accidentally consume the white seeds- it is entirely harmless. But even if you are having a black one, there’s no potential harm- other than it getting stuck in your windpipe.  Is It OK To Eat Watermelon Seeds? Potential Risks Of Doing So! We know that eating a watermelon seed will not grow a plant inside your belly, no matter how much you water it. But there are a few concerns regarding its consumption.  Based on the size of the seed, it can create the risk of choking in younger kids as the size of their windpipe is too narrow. Due to the hard nature of the seed, it cannot be brought down by water or other liquids. Hence, it’s best not to consume them at all! Additionally, consuming these seeds every day might result in constipation for people who cannot take up iron and fiber. If you are craving to snack on watermelon seeds, there are other effective alternatives as well.  Since watermelon seeds are a natural source of nutrients like folate, niacin, and iron, many patients are recommended to consume them. However, be mindful about the portion and the kinds of food you are having in combination with these seeds.  Some Health Benefits Of Watermelon Seeds Watermelon seeds, as I said already, are packed with nutrients and keep the tummy full for a long time. This is why a lot of people love chewing it. But there are other health benefits of eating it, too. 1. Proteins On, Calories Off That’s the number one priority for these seeds, which are nutrient-dense yet low in calories. Serving dry watermelon seeds in a single ounce itself serves 158 calories and 8 grams of protein.  On the other hand, the same quantity of pecans offers 196 calories and just 3 grams of protein. Since protein is the source of keeping the tummy full, you can have watermelon seeds as an afternoon snack. Not more than that! 2. Full of Unsaturated Fats Watermelon seeds consist of healthy fats and a lot of them! If a single ounce provides the goodness of 2 gms of monounsaturated fatty acids. However, polyunsaturated fatty acids are available upto 8 gms.  The U.S.A. Heart Association recommends people consume a moderate quantity of unsaturated fats every day. Not only do they reduce the levels of triglycerides in the blood, but they also keep the body's cholesterol level low.  The human body isn’t competent enough to produce unsaturated fats by itself. Hence, getting them through our diets might be helpful.  3. Packed With The Goodness Of Magnesium A similar portion of watermelon seeds contains more than 140 milligrams of magnesium. It is the same mineral needed for nerve and muscle function.  The human body requires magnesium to keep blood sugar levels and blood pressure in check.  Hence, the NIH National Institutes of Health suggests the consumption of 420 mg of magnesium is ideal for an adult man. An adult woman can also have watermelon seeds as her body needs 320 mg of magnesium every day.  4. Full of Iron  Last but not least, watermelon seeds provide a great source of iron. You will get at least 2 mg of iron in a single-ounce serving of watermelon seeds. The former is an essential component found in hemoglobin.  Hemoglobin is found in blood and is basically a red blood cell protein that brings oxygen to tissues and lungs. So, those asking- “is it ok to eat watermelon seeds,” the answer is simply yes! An adult man, as recommended by the NIH, must ingest 8 mg of iron every day, whereas an adult woman should consume at least 18 mgs. Since women are more prone to iron deficiency, they need more iron content in their bodies. Pits And Seeds You Should Not Consume It might be a little relief to know that watermelon seeds aren’t a danger when consumed. Sadly, that’s not the case with all seeds and pits found in veggies and fruits. Here’s why: Pits and seeds that can be consumed safely are: Pomegranate seeds Dragonfruit seeds Cucumber seeds However, the following are those that should not be consumed at all: Apple or Apricot Seeds  One of the first ones on the list of harmful seeds is those belonging to the Rosaceae family of fruits. Starting from peaches to apples, cherries, apricots, pears, peaches, and even plums. Seeds of these fruits are not safe to consume.  All these fruits contain enormous amounts of amygdalin. When they are crushed, they become poisonous as hydrogen cyanide. Thus, consuming them in a significant amount might result in confusion, anxiety, dizziness, and even low blood pressure.  A few of them can escalate to coma, paralysis, and even death if a human ingests it too much.  Castor Bean Seeds  Castor oil is produced with the help of castor seeds because the unhulled bean consists of ricin, a lethal substance. Ricin, when consumed, imposes enormous risk once it enters the cell.  It stops producing protein that is important for their usual function. Hence, Ricin leads to the death of the cell, eventually risking human health. Ingesting whole unhulled castor beans produces less risk, but you’ll still require medical attention. If you accidentally consume these seeds, the immediate side effects are nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, and dehydration. Finally, it culminates into pancreas damage, seizure, kidney and liver damage, etc.  Raw Kidney Beans If you wonder- is it ok to eat watermelon seeds, at least they’re better than raw kidney beans. Kidney beans, when cooked, are excellent protein sources, but the raw ones are very toxic.  Kidney beans, just like legumes, are rich in phytohaemagglutinin. If their quantities increase, raw kidney beans can harm humans. In the next 2-3 hours after eating them, you will experience diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, and nausea.  It’s best if you soak these beans for at least 5 hours and boil them. Either consume boiled kidney beans or cook them overall.  Lychee Seeds This Asian fruit is very famous and loved by people. But did you know that their seeds are very harmful to humans? The ripe fruit is extremely nutritious and the sweet juice in them makes them super delicious.  However, these seeds are toxic as they consist of MCPA or methylene cyclopropyl-alanine. This toxin is associated with hypoglycemic encephalopathy that results in low blood sugar.  Hypoglycemic encephalopathy causes people to die if the consumer is fasting or malnourished. However, the consumption of lychee is not too common due to its size. But to stay safe, it is better not to eat unripe lychee.  Concluding Words If you want to eat watermelon seeds, make sure to dry or roast them for safe consumption. The overall question of “Is it ok to eat watermelon seeds?” isn’t incorrect.  But consuming something, even in the smallest quantity, should come with a few considerations. In this case, you need to stay away from seeds that have a direct impact on your health.  With that, here comes an end to this article. Thank you for reading till the end. Keep following us if you want to read such an informative guide. Continue Reading: Is It Okay To Eat Fruits At Night? Is It OK To Do An Egg Cleanse To Remove Bad Energy? Is It Okay To Eat Raw Oats? | All Details you Should Know In 2023

Is It OK To Drink Distilled Water

The 21st century might have endless good news for us, but health-wise, we are at risk. Over 7 million Americans fall sick every year from poor water quality. As such, there’s just one option- to drink distilled water for safety.  But what if I tell you that drinking distilled water all the time has its own cons? Bummer, right? This is exactly why I have brought this article “is it ok to drink distilled water” to you.  So, if distilled water runs in your family more than often, read this guide till the end. You might want to change your beliefs after reading this. Without further ado, let’s get started! What Is Water Distillation? Distilled water goes into purification through the distillation process. Water coming from natural sources, like regular taps, consists of multiple impurities. Minerals, harmful bacteria, pesticides- the list goes on.  The process of distillation helps remove these contaminants from the water by partial boiling and condensation. After boiling, the impurities are left behind. The leftover steam on cold surfaces condenses to become distilled water drops.  But then, how is it different from regular drinking water which has been boiled? Distilled Water Vs. Boiled Water: Where’s The Difference? Both distilled and boiled water undergo heating, but they aren’t the same. Boiled water means simply heating the water to its boiling point, while distilled water includes condensation.  The distillation process is incomplete without boiling. However, in order to make purified water, you have to separate impurities from it both by physical and mechanical processing.  But then, is it ok to drink distilled water? You might think! Distilled water might be too pure to drink, which is why most industries use it for industrial purposes. It does not contain crucial minerals like sodium, potassium, and calcium, which are growth generators for our body.  In the distillation process, three main steps are included. Firstly, the conversion of liquid into vapour from a mixture. Secondly, one has to condense the purified liquid. And finally, they have to collect the condensed liquid as distilled water.  Why Can’t You Drink Distilled Water? Steam distillation in condensed water might remove chemical impurities from it and make it soft. But at the same time, it removes necessary mineral deposits, too. Hence, the problem begins.  Here are some common reasons why you should never drink distilled water! It Is Acidic Both alkalinity and acidity of water are weighed in pH scales, which typically range between 1-14 range. pH value 7 is generally neutral. So, anything that measures between 1 and 6.9 on the pH scale is acidic in nature.  On the other hand, substances measuring between 7.1 and 14 are considered alkaline. Doctors and healthcare physicians recommend drinking slightly alkaline water owing to its health benefits.  Sadly, distilled water has a pH>7, which makes it acidic in nature. Now, acidic water isn’t ideal for drinking because as soon as it comes in contact with the air, it will absorb carbon dioxide. The more such water remains open in the air, the more CO2 accumulates, which is not at all suitable for the human body.  Absence Of Dissolved Minerals We talked about how distilled water removes all minerals from the water. This includes calcium, potassium, and beneficial electrolytes, which end up making the water neutral.  Ever since childhood, we have been taught how water nutrients, even in small quantities, help human health. Consequently, the deficiency of it will cause health problems.  One might feel dehydrated by regularly drinking distilled water. Electrolytes in water not only give us energy but also keep us hydrated for a long time. Secondly, prevails magnesium deficit fatigue, which causes weakness and spasms.  Those gulping distilled water too often suffer from headaches due to calcium deficiency. In severe cases, muscle cramps also take place within humans.  Lactic Acid Builds Up, Which Result In Aging Who doesn’t like aging? Honestly, nobody! But can we stop aging? Of course, no, as it is inevitable. But there are a few things that can slow down the rate of aging.  Do you want to know what? Stop drinking distilled water!  This particular group of water forms a layer of lactic acid, which causes an imbalance in the body. Medicalnewstoday.com shares that free radicals refer to unstable atoms that damage cells and cause illness and aging.  Acidity creates free radicals, thus interrupting the natural flow of molecules in cells. Acidic water damages healthy cells, which is why it should be completely avoided.  Distilled Water Help To Produce Soft Drinks Soda isn’t something beneficial for our health. Every day, we get to hear scary news about the consumption of soft drinks.  There are so many risk factors surrounding it- diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, and even high blood pressure.  Soft drinks are generally made up of distilled water and carbohydrate-inducing factors. This is exactly why we don’t drink them every day, and the same remains true for distilled water, too! Alkaline Water Can Be Readily Substituted It is true that there are places where distilled water helps like in a medical setting. Places that need absolutely pure water (without any constituents) can take out the best of distilled water,  It is also beneficial for sterilizing equipment used in operations. But when it comes to drinking, we put our thumbs down! If you are habituated to drinking distilled water and cannot give it up easily, try alkaline water. They are rich in bioavailable minerals as well as therapeutic molecular hydrogen that promotes a healthy being.  In What Circumstances Is It OK To Drink Distilled Water? Drinking distilled water, really? You might be bubbled up with this question. But the good news is, in some cases, drinking this water might have its own set of benefits like: It cures Arthritis Drinking distilled water can cure arthritis, a few physicians argue. It washes out minerals and calcium deposited in joints, thus giving relief to patients.  Decreases the possibility of Heart Diseases A few epidemiological research points out how water hardness can result in cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks. Both the softness and hardness of water are checked by the mineral content of magnesium and calcium.  Thus, when distillation makes them apart, you get soft water which is partially safe to drink.  Low In Sodium The 13% low-sodium preferred population relies on distilled water only because it has less sodium content in it.  While tap water also contains sodium, the level is not as low as distilled water, So, your dietitian might suggest you drink distilled water if you want to maintain the sodium level content.  Less Occurrence Of Kidney Stones Kidney stones are nothing but hard mineral deposits that form in our kidneys. These stones are very painful when passed down and, in most cases, impossible to pass.  Drinking distilled water helps to avoid mineral build-up that results in kidney stone formation.  Saves You From Compromised Immunity Are you having a compromised immune system that makes you sick every now and then? Don’t wonder, “Is it ok to drink distilled water?” because it is, in this case.  Cryptosporidium is known for exacerbating illness which can be commonly found in drinking water.  However, distillation removes this from water, and reverse osmosis kills the virus. Thus, you get a solid immune system! Multiple Uses Of Distilled Water Apart From Drinking Owing to its 100% purity, distilled water gas has various applications. Some of them are in our daily lives, too. Check out its uses:  Cosmetic Products: Ingredients commonly found in cosmetic items have to be entirely pure and toxin-free. Well, guess what facilitates their production? Yes, you got it right. Distilled water acts as a solvent that helps to transfer the benefits of this product smoothly into the skin.  Medical Applications: Hospitals and clinics make use of distilled water for sterilizing medical instruments. Distilled water also helps to prepare patient food, clean wounds, and prevent infections within the facility.  Food Canning Procedure: Several food canning industries use distilled water to ensure the quality, taste, and color of the food intact. Added salts might alter the flavor, but distilled water has less sodium, which has zero impact on the taste.  Application In Lead-Acid Batteries: Car batteries are prone to getting heated very often. They need a coolant that can cool the engine and help the car to restart. Distilled water is mainly used for this purpose.  Concluding Words So, what’s your take on drinking distilled water? Will you continue drinking it, knowing that it might pose multiple health conditions? Trust me, the decision is tough.  But for your assistance, I can suggest one thing. You may drink distilled water, but only in a limited amount. Also, refrain from gulping it every day. Witness the change in your health when you drink both normal and distilled water.  As a health-conscious myself, I can never rely on something that might give me a temporary solution but causes permanent problems.  Having said that, here comes an end to this article! Thank you for reading it till the end. Continue Reading: Is It Ok To Have A Sleeper Build? Is It Ok To Try Out The 75 Soft Challenge? How To Improve Gut Health and Digestion?

Is It OK To Take 8 Mg Of Tizanidine?

In medical terms, muscle relaxants are drugs that prevent and curb muscle tightness and spasms. Carisoprodol, Orphenadrine and Methocarbamol are a few common muscle relaxants.  However, Tizanidine is quite a popular name owing to its quick results. Usually, doctors prescribe this medicine when you have accidentally torn a muscle due to stroke, sclerosis, or spinal cord injuries.  The medicine is tolerable for many, but again, it has its own side effects. In order to mitigate the risks of heavy dosage, people keep asking- is it ok to take 8 mg of tizanidine or not.  What Are The Applications Of Tizanidine? For starters, Tizanidine is used to reduce spasticity which happens due to spinal or brain injury. The medicine functions by a central mechanism, although experts aren’t too sure about its use to decrease muscle tone.  A few doctors suggest that tizanidine use is necessary when presynaptic inhibition takes place in the nerves. The drug is quite helpful for polysynaptic pathways instead of monosynaptic spinal reflexes.  The primary use of this drug in relaxing muscles is to provide a damp effect to nerve impulses. Most of them arrive from spasming muscles that pass along the brain’s nerve fibers.  A special type of medicine called central alpha-2-adrenergic agonist belongs to the same class as Tizanidine. It is another strong muscle-relaxant that is less prescribed as compared to the latter.  Tizanidine’s Right Dosage The medicine comes in two different forms of tablets- 2 and 4 mg. There are three capsules weighing 2 mg, 4 mg, and 6 mg. So, the highest general dose a person should ingest is 6 mg.  So, is it ok to take 8 mg of tizanidine? Well, the answer is yes, but under the doctor’s supervision.  It’s not like people don’t consume 8 mg but only when they need relief from spasticity for a long time. In the case of an 8 mg of Tizanidine dose, the results last for 6 hours or more.  What’s the initial dosage like? Usually, people start with a much lower dose, like 2 or 4 mg, owing to its possible side effects. Doctors might increase or decrease the dose after observing the results for a few days.  People who don’t see a change after the medication have been prescribed the medicine for 4 days straight with a 4-mg dose. Hence, 8 mg is not something prescribed at once- it’s more like a process.  In severe situations, individuals can repeat the ingestion every 6-8 hours.  Things to watch out for: Make sure you do not take more than three doses. 36 mg of Tizanidine in a span of 24 hours isn’t good for the human body.  Doctors always suggest this medicine with caution. Patients dealing with kidney or liver impairments are generally not recommended Tizanidine because it reduces the clearance rate.  Prolonged use of the medicine can reduce liver and kidney functions.  Storing Tizanidine The Food and Drug Administration recommends storing the medicine at a 77℉ or 25℃ temperature. In fact, a temperature between 59–86°F or 16–30°C is fine but only for a restricted period.  Pharmacists must take care while dispensing the medicine in a container. Before buying, check whether the container has a child-resistant cap or not. Change it immediately if you find the drug without its cap.  A List Of Side-Effects One Might Encounter Unfortunately, Tizanidine comes with a number of side effects when not taken correctly. You are most likely to watch the following consequences if you are between 18 and 60 years old- Drowsiness, energy loss, dry mouth, dizziness, and reduced blood pressure.  It is also related to rare psychosis and hallucinations and has affected at least 3% of people.  Thirdly, Tizanidine dosage should be tweaked from person to person in accordance with the requirements.  It is not too suitable for those who trust spasticity to sustain their balance and posture.  In severe situations, Tizanidine can result in low blood pressure or head rush due to excessive sitting and getting up too fast. Thus, there are increased chances of falls.  The medicine can also have a negative impact on a person’s driving or machinery-operating capabilities. Hence, no alcohol is ideal! A few have also reported withdrawal symptoms like high blood pressure and rapid heartbeat when the dosage stops abruptly. Experts withdraw tizanidine slowly. For instance, they decrease the dosage to 4 mg and then 2 mg.  Older people should take very few quantities of tizanidine.  Finally, it also causes allergic reactions like urticaria and anaphylaxis.  Severe Side-Effects To Watch Out For- Tizanidine, when interacting with other medicines, including the hepatic enzymes metabolized like CYP1A2, can cause reactions. Furthermore, alcohol makes the symptoms worse by maximizing its peak concentration.  Doctors must monitor liver enzymes such as aminotransferase after beginning the treatment. The drug is not too recommended in combination for more than one month.  Multiple dosages of the medicine and its modification sometimes lead to clinically significant differences. One can find tremendous side effects or quick activity onset.  For those wondering about 8 mg of tizanidine, the ingestion is safe. You need to take the medicine every 6-8 hours. 16 mg is the maximum single dose in a single day- do not exceed it.  People under the age of 18 years should watch for early symptoms of tizanidine and must stop the dosage right away.  Those dealing with kidney disease must stay away from the drugs. Increase the dosage only if it’s extremely needed.  This Is The Right Way To Take Tizanidine… You might wonder, what’s the right way of taking medicine? Are you doing it wrong for so long? Absolutely not! It’s just that Tizanidine comes with some careful considerations.  For example, both the food and timing make a big difference. It is important to stop drug usage completely if the person no longer needs it.  Those wanting temporary relief must consume the medicine for shorter durations. If someone forgets their dose accidentally, it’s safe to skip it out and wait for the next dose.  You can safely curb the risks of overdose by not ingesting any more Tizanidine between 6-8 hours since it has complicated effects. Also, the impact differs from one person to another.  Tizanidine and Its Relation With Food The impact of food is complex on Tizanidine, and it differs from one individual to another. Food has the chance of increasing side effects if the person doesn’t keep an ample dosage gap. In various cases, there have been adverse events. It is vital to follow the doctor’s instructions properly and ask whether the medicine is ingestible without or with food.  Additionally, if you no longer wish to continue the medicine, slowly reduce the dosage. Doing so at once will increase the chances of high blood pressure and quick heart rate.  A Few Tips To Remember There’s no hard and fast rule when consuming tizanidine, but a bunch of tips might be helpful, like: Do not keep the capsule in open air for a long time.  Consuming it with food increases 20% the chances of absorption, although it slows its efficiency.  It is possible to ingest tizanidine with food or without it but the dose must be consistent.  The medicine is short-acting, which is why it might take a few days to show its results.  Consume the medicine exactly as prescribed by your healthcare provider. Any less or more of the dosage can have health repercussions.  Interactions With Other Medicines Medicines interacting with tizanidine react in three ways: it either reduces the impact, impacts how long it functions, or increases the side effects.  Interaction between two drugs does not necessitate stopping either of them. All you have to do is talk to your doctor about the drug’s management.  Medicines that have a higher chance of interacting with Tizanidine are:  Amiodarone Acyclovir Anticonvulsants Anti-anxiety drugs Amitriptyline, Nortriptyline, Imipramine and other antidepressants Diphenhydramine and other antihistamines Chlormethiazole Azelastine Ciprofloxacin Duloxetine Saquinavir and other HIV Medicines Low blood pressure medications like ACE inhibitors, barbiturates, calcium-channel antagonists like diltiazem and beta-blockers CYP1A2-inhibiting medicines like rifampin and cimetidine Metoclopramide Morphine, oxycodone, and other opioid analgesics Pimozide Zolpidem or other sleeping pills Chemotherapy medicines and treatments Medicines that help to treat psychological illness, like thioridazine and clozapine Topiramate The reason why CYP1A2 inhibitors should not be taken with Tizanidine is because of possible drug interactions. The CYP1A2 enzyme helps in metabolizing drugs. Thus, if the inhibition takes place, the body will not process efficient drug cleaning.  A few pieces of evidence also show that tizanidine interacts largely with alcohol or other nervous system depressants. Make sure you don’t consume opioids or alpha-2 adrenergic agonists with tizanidine.  The Bottom Line Ask a doctor- is it ok to take 8 mg of Tizanidine they’ll surely say no at first. It is important that you get a proper consultation before settling on the medicine. Tizanidine inhibits motor neurons- something that lets the muscles relax.  As a lot of side effects come with the drug, it is crucial that people take the right dosage. Tablets come in 2,4,6, and 8 mg, which are prescribed according to the individual’s requirements.  Having said that, here comes an end to this article. Thank you for reading it till the end. Also, keep following us if you want to read such informative content. Continue Reading: Is It Ok To Take Expired Medicine? Is It OK To Take 20mg Of Montelukast? Is It Ok To Take Tylenol While Pregnant? Read To Know!

Is It Ok To Eat Raw Oats?

Eating healthy is our number one resolution for each year. In the list of healthy foods, raw oats have made a timeless entry. Not only are they incredibly versatile, but they are also packed with a multitude of nutrients for the body.  One cup of raw or dry oats consists of nutrients such as phosphorus, magnesium, and selenium. It also contains 307 calories, which is good news for your gut health.  Scientifically known as Avena sativa, oats are very popular for their health benefits. In this article, we will be discussing ‘Is It OK to Eat Raw Oats’ every day and what the possible considerations are.  So, without further ado, let’s get started.  What Do Raw Oats Consist Of? Belonging to the category of whole grain, raw oats are something digested easily. But we cannot gobble the kernels, which is why they have to be processed in the following ways: Picking the oat groats and separating them from the hull Moisture or heat treatment Categorization and sizing Miling and flaking Oat flour, oat flakes, and oat bran are a few end products. Generally, people relish raw or cooked oat flakes as their favorite breakfast.  You can also boil them while preparing porridge or oatmeal, as it is a perfect breakfast option during winter. Oat kernels undergo a consistent heating process, which makes them more digestible.  Highly Nutritious Content Of Raw Oats Since it is a plant-based protein, we all know that oats are rich in fiber. But did you know that they are rich in other nutrients as well? One cup or 81g of raw oats mainly consists of: 55 grams of carbs 307 gms of calories Fiber for 8 gms 11 grams of protein Fat for 5 gms 27% of Magnesium 43% Of Selenium 27% Phosphorus 6% of Potassium Zinc for 27% Apart from these nutrients, raw oats are also full of soluble fiber, which is an advantageous dietary fiber. It mixes up in a gel formula when digested properly. So, those thinking, “is it ok to eat raw oats?” once in a while, should start consuming it.  What Are Some Of Its Notable Health Benefits? All this while, we talked about how raw oats are better for digestion. But it’s time to be a little detailed about the information. So, here it goes: Keeps A Check On Blood Sugar Level Blood sugar control is crucial for the health of type 2 diabetes patients. Those dealing with difficulties in producing insulin, a blood sugar-regulating hormone, should always keep their sugar level in check.  Beta-glucan is an important element that reduces blood sugar as it can form a gel-like substance in the human digestive system.  As our stomach digests all carbs and drains other content, this viscosity reduces its speed. This has direct links with reduced blood sugar levels post-meal and helps stabilize insulin production. 88 people were combined for a 4-week study who had been taking high blood pressure medicine. More than 70% of them were consuming four gms of soluble fiber, which helped them pause their medication for a while.  And guess where does most of the fiber coming from? Raw Oats! Maintains Low Cholesterol Levels Beta-glucan, a common ingredient found in oats, reduces cholesterol like none other. It acts by gelling up in your small intestine and promotes better gut health.  Furthermore, the gel limits the ingestion of dietary cholesterol and disturbs the reabsorption of bile salts. It plays a critical role when it comes to the metabolism of fats.  Studies have demonstrated that every day, consuming at least 3 gms of raw oats or beta-glucan can bring down cholesterol by 5-10%.  Additionally, a test-tube study reveals that raw oats dispense almost 26% of beta-glucan at the time of digestion. This is much more than cooked oats which only produce 9% of it.  So, consuming raw oats impacts fat metabolism and also promotes healthy cholesterol levels.  Raw Oats Benefit Heart Health The list of raw oats does not end there- they also support a healthy heart. High blood pressure is a major reason for cardiac arrests, which could be kept in control with the help of raw oats.  A study with 110m people determined that those dealing with high blood pressure consume 8 grams or more of soluble fiber oats every day. Not only did it help in reducing diastolic and systolic blood pressure, but it also kept the heart healthy.  People eating 5.5 mg of raw oats daily experienced a major drop in their systolic blood pressure, which was a healthy sign.  Thus, consuming soluble fiber comes with a number of benefits, including keeping you away from cardiac diseases.  Your Gut Health Remains Strong Fourthly, raw oats have an impeccable ability to support healthy bowel as they increase fecal bulk. So, is it ok to eat raw oats? You bet! It is mostly because of the insoluble fiber present in raw oats which is easily digestible. The intestinal bacteria find it difficult to ferment with insoluble fiber as their soluble counterparts do, which maximizes the stool size.  It is estimated that your stool weight can increase by 3.4 grams if you eat raw oats every day. Everyday intake of oat fiber also helps to treat constipation, as more than 20% of people are affected by it. Raw oats consist of organic oat brands that are easily available on the market.  Promotes Weight Loss Intaking whole-grain cereals such as oats in a significant quantity reduces obesity and the possibility of weight gain. This is partly because soluble fibers give you a feeling of fullness for a long time.  Increased fullness feelings have connections with reduced food consumption as they suppress your appetite.  Two different research portray that consuming oats not only helps you keep fuller but also suppresses the need to eat every four hours. Thus, one can easily work on losing weight if they have been eating raw oats.  How To Eat Raw Oats? There are multiple ways of adding raw oats to your diet that can enhance your health. Some of the common procedures are listed below:  Soak Them Overnight Prepare a healthy, power-packed, and delicious batch of oats by soaking them overnight and get a balanced breakfast. Secondly, combine equal portions of oats along with liquid to give it a nice consistency.  Shake or stir the formula for some time, and then throw it in the fridge. You’ll wake up to an amazing breakfast the next morning.  A lot of people love adding fruits or flavorings to give the mixture a yummy turn. And guess what? You can do it with raw oats, too. So, what’s stopping you from treating your taste buds with an explosion of flavors and tastes? Turn Them Into Energy Balls Prepare a bowl full of energy-rich oats by adding dry fruits and nuts with it. Energy balls are the best options for those running out of time in the morning yet looking to be full through the day.  Not only do these balls come with protein, fiber, and healthy fats, but they also keep your cholesterol in check.  Bite them after your meal, or simply add them as your lunch for 6 days straight. You are surely going to see some changes in your digestion and metabolism after eating raw oats.  Oats In Your Smoothie Spice things up by mixing oatmeal in your daily smoothie. Make sure you get a thick, creamy texture that indicates extra fiber. This helps your stomach to be full for a longer period of time.  There shouldn’t be a problem adding raw oats to your smoothie if you are already using instant or rolled oats. These oats are already cooked in light steaming and have been toasted, too.  They give a crunchy flavor and are also packed with various health benefits. Kids might not want to gobble the smoothie as it is. Hence, for extra taste, you can add cocoa or strawberry powder.  Whole Oat Groats Oat groats refer to hulled oat kernels, which are its outermost, inedible layer. You need to remove it from the oats and add them to salads or stews instead.  Oat groats shouldn’t be cooked for more than 50 minutes after soaking. They need overnight soaking to make the cooking even better. This recipe is ideal for people who don’t want to consume raw oats.  Make sure you soak them well because not doing so might slow cooking. Also, put them in a pressure cooker for instant results.  Oatmeal Breakfast With Chocolate and Dry Fruits Are you new to oats cooking? Then, you must try this super easy recipe, which is quick and gives you exactly the same health benefits as raw oats.  Boil oats on low flame and subsequently add dry fruits or chocolate of your preference. After all, who doesn’t love delectable oatmeal that’s power-packed with the goodness of milk, nuts, and rolled oats? Do try this delicious bowl if you want to give up on your usual oatmeal! Conclusion So, is it ok to eat raw oats? What do you think now? Oats are rich in fiber, which streamlines human digestion to a great extent.  However, if you have a poor bowel movement, make sure to consult your dietician before consuming raw oats. But its boiled version, for example, in a porridge or oatmeal, will cause no harm to you. Also, you have the option of blending it with a taste of your choice! So, what are you waiting for? Bless your heart and gut health by consuming a healthy breakfast in the form of raw oats! Follow us for more information. Continue Reading: Is It Ok If Your Parents Disappoint You? Is It Ok To Feel Overwhelmed At All Times? Is It OK To Implement Storyteller Tactics? Brands That Did It Well!  

Pluto In Scorpio

It is after all the season of the Scorpios, isn’t it? If you are just another astrology-obsessed Scorpio, this article is definitely for you. Even if you are not, it’s never too late to start. There are so many interesting things about Pluto in Scorpio that you would never be able to go back! If you have heard the phrase “Pluto in Scorpio,” you are in for a treat. I am pretty sure you are wondering what exactly happens when Pluto moves into Scorpio. Well, to begin with, both Scorpio and Pluto are two extremely mysterious parts of Astrology. Therefore, when they come together, they become an extremely powerful pair to talk about.  So, if you were born anytime when Pluto was in Scorpio or just simply want to know what qualities these individuals have, we have your back.  In this article, we shall explore all the personality traits, including the strengths and weaknesses of the ones that were born in this generation.  So, without any more delay, let us take a round across the mystery that Pluto in Scorpio is in astrology.  Points You Need To Keep In Mind  Because Pluto is the ruling planet of Scorpio, all of the traits of a Scorpio will amplify when Pluto goes into Scorpio.  Individuals born in this time usually have very solid intuition, are very passionate, and may come off as mysterious and dark.  The ones who were a part of the Pluto in Scorpio generation most possibly went through quite a challenging time but were also able to persist and get on the top.  Why Is Pluto In Scorpio So Special?  One of the core reasons why Pluto in Scorpio is so special is because Pluto is the ruling planet of Scorpio. It is also important to know that each astrological planet has a certain ruling planet. These ruling planets greatly affect the personality traits of these astrological signs.  Being the ruling planet of Scorpio, Pluto shares extremely similar elements with the astrological sign, like being mysterious and dark. So, it is even more special when Pluto rests in Scorpio during its revolution phase. This alignment, therefore, even more exaggerates the qualities of individuals who are born in this generation.  Hence, if you are someone who was born when Pluto was in Scorpio, your certain personality traits like passion, loyalty, and love of privacy will likely be stronger in comparison to an average Scorpio.  Pluto In Scorpio Personality Traits The personality traits of individuals that have a Pluto in Scorpio are very similar to that of a Scorpio. These personality traits are just a lot more exemplified compared to the regular Scorpio traits.  While some of these personality traits are extremely positive and help towards the growth of the individual, some may be negative traits. In that case, one needs to work towards fixing those so that they never become an obstacle to their growth.  They Have Very Powerful Intuition  In general, Scorpios are quite intuitive. It gets to a point where it appears like they have a sixth sense to discover the truth behind things. If a Scorpio ever tells you something is going to happen or that something is not right, you need to listen to them. They are not playing around.  However, with the influence of Pluto, this intuitive nature becomes even stronger. You would feel like they have psychic powers. After all, Pluto is a planet which is a representation of things that hide below the surface.  They Are Very Passionate And Intense People As an individual with this trait, they will often have a hunger for passion and put everything they have behind their efforts. It can be their friendships, their career, and even their romantic relationships. Their passion usually instigates them to get a deeper understanding of who they actually are and what role they have in the universe. A passion this deep often affects their romantic life in a good way. They are usually more deep, intense, and a lot more sexual with their partners.  They Are Very Creative And Seek New Experiences Because of the influence of it, individuals are mostly looking for newer adventures and excitement. As Pluto in Scorpio is all about transforming and new starts, their wish to experience everything the world offers and start a new chapter is comparatively stronger. Getting an experience of so many newer things also turns them into very creative humans who can easily express themselves in a number of ways.  They Are Driven And Powerful There is one unfortunate element about Pluto that cannot go unnoticed. The planet is popular for bringing in abrupt and dramatic changes. Things like betrayal, illness, setbacks, and even death are some of the most common things that people born during Pluto in Scorpio may have experienced. However, these individuals are also very resilient and powerful and are not likely to bend even when situations get rough. Luckily, a passion and drive as such is a key to growth.  Pluto In Scorpio Are Controlling Individuals It is a very generic trait of a Scorpio to take up the ultimate control and lead others. As someone who has a personality that the Scorpion influences, an individual born at this time may not shy away from standing in a power position. They may also have the craving to have an influence over others. However, Pluto having a darker influence on these individuals may turn their hunger to influence others into tremendous manipulating habits.  Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]: What Is The Last Generation With Pluto In Scorpio? The last generation of Pluto in Scorpio was the Millennials [1983-1995]. Pluto had waded through Scorpio’s fixed waters during this time. This was, however, the shortest time that Pluto had spent in a sign.  How Long Do Signs Stay In Pluto? It is pretty interesting how, due to its elliptical orbit, the time Pluto gives to each of the astrological signs is dramatically different. It can be from something around 11.5 years in one sign(Scorpio) to 31.5 years in another(Taurus).  How Long Does Scorpio Last? In terms of astrology, Scorpio is the eighth sign and lasts between October 24th and November 21st.  Wrapping Up It may come as a surprise to many, but Pluto feels the most comfortable when in Scorpio. Because of its polarizing nature, Scorpio is a sign that we love to hate. Pluto in Scorpio is just an additional push to the already interesting personality traits of the royal Scorpion, making them more and more mysterious and intimidating as compared to the other signs. Read Also: Is It Ok If Capricorn And Gemini To Date? Is It OK If Pisces And Cancer Are A Good Couple? Is It OK If Libra And Aquarius Are A Good Couple?

storyteller tactics

Storytelling is one of the most compelling techniques for communicating brand value to consumers. However, the need is to implement storyteller tactics that resonate with your target audience. In order to do so, you have to craft an authentic brand story that not only captivates them but also allows them to stay loyal to you.  Isn’t it true that brands that cultivate emotional connections with their consumers get boosted annual sales? But how that happens? With all these questions in mind, I have made an attempt to curate this comprehensive guide which carefully pinpoints the details of storytelling. So, make sure to read it till the very end.  Storyteller Tactics That Actually Work There are ample examples available on the Internet that portray how the best storytelling practices actually work. Let’s talk about Burt’s Bees, which is essentially a natural skin care company.  It does the best job when it leverages storyteller tactics for developing loyalty and trust among consumers. The core philosophy of the brand is to take care of our skin with care. Burt optimized social media to tell its brand story and highlight the history of the brand.  “We harness the wisdom, beauty, and power of nature to bring out yours.”  Such taglines certainly depict the firm’s respect for the environment and its commitment to organic ingredients. Similarly, there are other companies whose About Us page says a lot about its core values. Consumers can simply take a look at it and discover the true meaning of the brand.  What Are Some Of The Best Storytelling Practices? A brand can buy anything but the ways they use stories to depict themselves in front of competitors. Here’s exactly when the best storyteller tactics enter the industry. There are a few strategies that entrepreneurs must put into practice if they want to succeed: Building a connection with your target audience In order to tell a compelling brand story, you might have to define who is your target audience. A dependable way of doing this is by making an archetype- it is a generalized character embodying the key traits of your prospects. On solidifying an archetype, brands get someone who can iterate their story.  Old Spice, a prominent name in the industry, shows excellence when it comes to storytelling for a specific target audience. In the late 1970s-80s, it used to be a famous dad brand. Further, its popularity grew among young generations when the firm refocused its marketing tactics on new prospective consumers.  Your brand does not always have to carry out expensive campaigns to discover the minds of viewers. At present, relevant hashtags and a few regular posts can do the trick- credit goes to social media. There are indigenous storyteller tactics used by these brands, which made them who they are today.  Aligning your brand’s value to the brand narrative In the existing period, consumers have cared about business values like a commitment towards diversity or caring about the environment. If anything, brand narratives help brands to communicate their core values to consumers. They also offer a messaging framework ensuring a consistent voice throughout their marketing efforts.  When it comes to curating an appealing narrative, the first thing to discover is the foundational belief of your company. In case it has several core values, your narrative might consist of multiple stories. After you have stated an overarching narrative, it becomes easy to optimize storyteller tactics for consumers.  Let’s talk about how Airbnb does this. The industry literally incorporates stories and reviews shared by real consumers in its brand narrative. Such a strategy aligns the customer-centric brand with its reputation. The personal accounts share consumers’ concerns about staying with strangers and make an effort to solve them.  Conversing a precise and consistent brand message Do you know what helps in conversing your brand’s story successfully? The secret is to keep things as consistent and simple as possible. Bring out the worth of your brand, things that make it unique, and why should your audience remember you. Let’s understand this by another great example.  Comment below how many have you heard about the brand Heineken. The firm does an excellent job by sharing consistent storyteller tactics for its target consumers. Most of them range between 20 to 35 years. Further, the company’s advertisement often shows friends “chilling” and sharing drinks while they are seated in social settings.  It is completely normal to seek help when it comes to clarifying the message of your brand. Check out a few guides, methods, and frameworks that help you in communicating a stable brand story to your audience. Such efforts can eventually make your brand extra special.  Remaining authentic and gaining the trust of your audience We, as humans, are automated to respond to alluring stories. The character-driven narratives help our brand release oxytocin- a chemical increasing trust, comprehension, and empathy. Genuine storyteller tactics and meaningful memories are ultimately related to the emotions of consumers.  I am pretty sure you saw the “No Baby Unhugged” ad on TV presented by the brand “Huggies.” Not only does it promote the physical advantage of skin-to-skin contact between a newborn and the mother, but it also connects expecting mothers to the brand emotionally. The campaign also highlighted a video where mothers were seen hugging their newborn kids right after birth.  “Hugs strengthen the immune system of your baby. They help in promoting weight gain and boosting brain development,”- it was captioned.  Another example is Ikea which makes use of storytelling in order to gain the trust of its audience. Check out their 11-minute film, which gives a view of their surf-inspired furniture and sustainable lifestyle.  Takeaway…Curate Stories Bridging The Gap Between Your Brand And The Audience Storyteller tactics, when done right, can help a brand set itself apart, along with developing everlasting bonds with its audience. It is necessary to tailor brand stories as per the audience, highlight clear brand values, and communicate consistent messaging. The aforementioned brands have done it, and so can you.  Let’s put an end to this article by concluding that these key elements let you speak out what your brand stands for. Seek help from the tips I have mentioned above and create everlasting stories. If anything, the target audience will remember your brand for a really long time. And that’s eventually a success, right?  So, that’s all. Comment below and share your thoughts on this! Read Also: Is It Ok To Like Dark Humor Jokes? Is It Ok To Create A TV Show Of My Own? Is It OK To Make A Story To Sell Products?


Sounds quite ridiculous, doesn’t it?  How can the same people that we were born to disappoint us?  How can the woman who carried you in her womb for nine months, the man who gave countless efforts for you to be satisfied with your life, disappoint you?  Welcome to adulthood! This is when the truth unfolds. All those instances that you could not understand as a kid - this is the time when you slowly start understanding, and your disappointment just keeps growing.  To answer your question, yes, parents do disappoint their kids. While it may not sound usual, a lot of us have faced it.  Some of us still face it.  Regardless of the shock you are getting, there are multiple ways in which a parent can disappoint their kids. For some people, a parent might be a Godly figure, but for some of us, it is totally a different case.  Our parents have disappointed us multiple times, and they still do, but that doesn’t make us love them less. Do you stop loving people if they disappoint you? No right.  It is the same when it comes to parents. But letting go of the fact that the people who are meant to protect you are the same ones who disappoint you is hard.  But life goes on. The more you hold on to it, the more it will kill you from the inside. So, without any more delay, let us explore the depths of it.  Did They Disappoint Us, Or Are We Just Hurt? Well, to answer this, disappointment and hurt are interrelated emotions. One gives rise to the other. If someone hurts you, it means that they have disappointed your expectations to such a point that you feel like they have broken your heart. On the other hand, when people disappoint you, you will eventually be hurt by their actions in the long run.  Disappointment happens when your expectations are hurt. That, indeed, is a terrible feeling. For most of us, parents are our safe spaces, but what do we do when the same people are the reason for our disappointment?  It breaks us from within. That pain, the trauma, is unbearable.  It hurts even more when parents do not even realize that they have disappointed us.  How Do Parents Disappoint Kids? Well, there are multiple ways in which parents disappoint kids. Some of these are minor, while some are major and can leave the kid traumatized, which is the case for many.  So, if you are a parent or a kid, you might want to look at these points to see if there was ever a scenario where you may have disappointed your kid.  Setting Unrealistic Expectations Or Them Parents have a habit of setting expectations for their kids, which at times may seem unachievable. In fact, most of the time, it tires and exhausts the kid to the point where they start feeling disappointed in their parents.  While a parent may feel that their kid is disappointing them, the process goes both ways. If parents keep forcing their kids to achieve goals that are beyond their capabilities, they will disappoint their kid because no matter what the kid does, the parents will never be satisfied.  “When I received a 76% on my high school exam, my parents were not pleased. You did hear correctly. Just because I used to score higher than 85% up until the 10th grade, they had anticipated 88–90%. But where did I make a mistake? My parents would find my 76% to be extraordinary if I had received a 70% up to the tenth grade.” - Quora.  Comparing With Others This is by far one of the worst things that you can do as a parent. Comparing your kids to others and bringing them down for not doing what other kids do creates the worst kind of disappointment among kids.  The more a parent compares their kids to others, the more the kid will compare their parents to other parents and the things they don’t do.  This will give the kids more reasons to feel disappointed with their parents when they compare them with what other parents do.  Not Being Understanding Please communicate with your kid. The fact that we go around talking about healthy communication everywhere, but we fail where it is most needed. For every parent, it is imperative that they maintain healthy communication with their kids.  Communicating will help them understand what their child is going through. Kids at every age have certain anxieties that need to be catered to. A child must never have to deal with such emotions all alone, especially when parents are present.  Be there for your kids when they need you the most. Why do they have to go through it alone when a parent is present? This is how parents create distance with their child, further creating disappointment in the child for their parents.  When Is It Okay For Parents To Disappoint Their Kids? Not all disappointments are bad. While parenting, there will be times when a parent will have to deliberately disappoint their kid, and trust me, that is for the benefit of the kid itself.  Believe it or not, disappointment is also a part of discipline. How many times have you seen a spoiled and undisciplined kid on the street and wondered what kind of parenting they received?  I agree; I have been there multiple times.  These are the same kids that never got disappointed by their parents. They never had to hear a no, nor had to face any strict boundaries that could keep them controlled while growing up.  Hence, a parent must disappoint their kid only when it is limited to disciplining them. As a parent, you also must know your limits so that you can stop your child from getting spoiled and spare them the trauma of having parents that disappoint them in each step of life.  Wrapping Up Just as parents can sometimes feel disappointed in their kids, the kids can feel it, too.  Parents disappoint their kids and, most of the time, remain unaware of it. A lack of communication can further stain the child’s emotions and affect their relationship with their parents. This is something that no one deserves to experience.  However, it is also important that parents disappoint their kids to some extent in order to discipline them for their future. But that should be done in a limit and for disciplining purposes only. Read Also: Is It OK To Do An Egg Cleanse To Remove Bad Energy? Is It Okay Breaking Off An Engagement – 6 Signs You Should Is It Ok To Feel Bargaining Grief For The Loss Of Someone Close?


Feelings and emotions are complicated entities. No one has ever understood them completely, let alone figured them out.  It is the lack of comprehension that makes us emotionally paralyzed in multiple areas of our lives. Feeling overwhelmed is one such emotion.  Have you ever wondered why you feel a sudden wave of emotion that is so intense that you do not even understand how to process it? That is precisely how it feels when you are overwhelmed with emotions.  These emotions have a wide range. They can go anywhere from happiness to depression. However, it is mostly the negative emotions that are associated with feeling overwhelmed.  Being overwhelmed will only be enjoyable to an individual when their emotions related to it are positive, such as feelings of gratitude and happiness. It can cause quite a trauma when feeling overwhelmed is associated with feeling sad or stressed.  When you learn more about these causes, the symptoms that come with them, and the solutions to feeling overwhelmed, it will become easy for you to keep a hold of yourself when a condition as such arises.  In this article, I shall talk about every detail related to feeling overwhelmed and how you, as an individual, can overcome it without getting entangled in the complicated stems of emotions.  So, without any further delay, let us get started!  What Is Called Feeling Overwhelmed?  Have you ever come across a weird experience that created such an intense rise of feelings inside that you could hardly contain yourself with the overflowing tub of emotions? That is exactly what is called being overwhelmed.  Think of those days just before you get your period when you don’t have any explanation for what you are feeling. Every inch of emotion that you feel is too much to deal with; that is exactly what being overwhelmed feels like, minus the periods.  The feeling of being overwhelmed happens when a situation causes an intense reaction in you, which can be both emotional and physical.  Therefore, you may react with tears, happiness, anger, or simply a combination of all three based on how intensely you are feeling it.  You would be surprised to know that overwhelm is an emotion that grows slowly over time. There may be multiple instances where overwhelm can keep growing, and then a small incident will just be the “straw that breaks the camel’s back.”  This usually happens when you keep ignoring the little things that bother you, which eventually pool to become an ocean of resentment.  You may get overwhelmed when all the emotions that you have been bottling inside crash down over you, and you have no idea what to do.  Can Overwhelm Be Called An Emotion? To answer your question, yes, being overwhelmed is indeed an emotion. Anything we feel as humans is an emotion. Even simply reading the word can make you imagine how it feels to be overwhelmed.  An individual may be overwhelmed with anger, joy, gratitude, wonder, or any intense emotions that you may think of. Overwhelm is a term that acts as an umbrella term under which a wide range of emotions may fall.  To explain overwhelm as an emotion, you can think of it this way. Imagine you are at your workplace, and you suddenly feel different. Things were alright initially, but as the day started to pass, your condition gradually got worse.  You felt this weird nausea inside you; your hands kept shaking, and you could not concentrate on work, which got so extreme that every inch of your body started to ache. This is what being overwhelmed feels like.  Feeling overwhelmed at a workplace mainly happens due to work stress or multiple reasons related to work. However, it is very normal to face this emotion. As a human being, you are bound to feel emotions of different degrees, which will initially be tough for you to handle. But over time and with proper knowledge of it, they will not be as suffocating as they were before.  What Is The Opposite Of Feeling Overwhelmed? When an individual feels overwhelmed, they simply feel out of control and question their ability to get a hold of things. The exact opposite of this is being extremely controlled and confident in your life no matter how tough a situation you have to come across.  Resilience is the ability of an individual to rebound immediately from an adverse situation and is the skill that may help relieve one from feeling overwhelmed.  People who are resilient are known to get more physical and emotional regulation, where one study has proved that “accelerated cardiovascular recovery from negative emotional arousal” (Tugade & Fredrickson, 2004).  If you feel that you are constantly getting overwhelmed, you must try to build resilience to protect yourself from being overwhelmed.  Symptoms Of Feeling Overwhelmed A negative feeling of being overwhelmed is psychological stress, which may be “when an individual perceives that environmental demands tax or exceed his or her adaptive capacity.” When you are talking about the negative overwhelm of being stressed, here are the symptoms that you may want to look for:  Unable to feel happy reasonably.  You lose sleep because you worry too much.  You constantly find yourself under strain.  You feel depressed and unhappy.  You cannot concentrate on anything.  You lack the ability to enjoy normal activities.  You lose self-confidence.  You cannot overcome difficulties.  Facing up to problems becomes difficult.  Lack of capacity to make decisions.  You are not able to play a useful part in anything.  You consider yourself worthless.  What Are The Causes Of Feeling Overwhelmed? The actual reasons for feeling overwhelmed may differ based on individuals. However, some of the common categories remain common for all cases. Some of the reasons why individuals feel overwhelmed may be:  Health  Finance Career  Marriage  Fitness  How To Overcome The Feeling Of Being Overwhelmed? If you find yourself getting constantly overwhelmed, here are some of the ways in which you can overcome them easily:  Evaluate those areas where you are feeling overwhelmed.  Identify those causes that you can rectify easily.  Make logical plans to rectify your behavior.  Always stick to your plan.  Final Thoughts Feeling overwhelmed mainly happens when you cannot deal with the pool of emotions that are bottling up inside you. They can be negative emotions like anger, sadness, or depression. They can be positive emotions like happiness, love, and so on.  However, feeling overwhelmed constantly can have a negative impact on your life - both physically and emotionally. Therefore, if you constantly feel overwhelmed, this is the time to take needed measures for it. Do not let it ruin the good life that you have. Read Also: ADHD: 5 Ways To Cope With It Is It Ok To Feel Bargaining Grief For The Loss Of Someone Close? A Guide To Napping: How To Recharge Your Battery During The Day?

Egg Cleanse

Spiritualism has always remained a significant topic of discussion as it focuses on making our everyday lives easier. One such holistic approach that removes all negative energy from the house is egg cleanse.  Over the past few years, this cleaning procedure has become a trend on the World Wide Web. A lot of people are opting for egg cleanse as it makes their abode a peaceful place to thrive in.  This comprehensive guide tells you what is an egg cleanse and how to do it at home. So, make sure to read it till the end and discover the beauty of this sacred procedure.  What Is The Ritual Of Egg Cleanser? The ritual usually includes bringing a raw and uncracked egg and further rolling it on your body downwards. The circular movements of the egg focus on soaking negative energy from your mind as well as the body.  Later, you have to crack it into a glass full of water and try reading it, just like reading tea leaves. Whatever you smell or see will give you an idea of what’s going on mentally, energetically, or physically in your life.  Next, you know the ways to resolve these problems. The egg cleanse ritual, as mentioned already, can alleviate our day-to-day suffering. But it also helps in eliminating and healing the following concerns: Bad luck Energy blockages found in your chakras Addictions Phobias and fears Negative spirits and energy Bad karma Imbalances Mental and physical health problems Anxiety and stress When it comes to cleansing your aura along with your body, nothing is better than the egg cleansing ritual. Additionally, it helps in decluttering your safest haven from all sorts of bad energies.  Did You Know All That We See Is Energy? Each day, we are exposed to different kinds of energies, just like our objects. We are meeting new people every day, going to new places, and dealing with multiple situations. While some of these energies are positive, others might imply negative effects on our body, soul, and mind. You will remain aware of the process. Take, for instance, while spending a day at work with some colleague and coming back home feeling drained or anxious. Whatever happens to our bodies, we are the first ones to know it- even when they collect negative energy.  The ritual of an egg cleanse not only helps you in addressing such negative energies but also depicts ways to curb their entry into the body. You might be thinking about how to do an egg cleanse. Well, don’t worry! I have listed out some ways below to do it all by yourself.  How To Perform Egg Cleansing At Home? You will need a few things to undergo the process of cleansing with an egg. Firstly, you might need an egg, which must be at room temperature, a white candle, and a tiny white cloth. Next, look for garden sage, copal, palo santo, or frankincense. You might also need a tiny bowl of lemony salted water and salt.  Arrange all the tools on a table, a sturdy surface, or on a white cloth. Ensure to arrange everything before you begin so that there are no interruptions. Follow the step-by-step guide to do egg cleansing all by yourself: Accommodate Your Elements On An Altar Place all your substances on a white cloth or a sacred altar as you get ready to begin the ritual. Declutter your mind from all worries and focus on now! Cleanse The Area Prior to performing any ritual, you must always cleanse the space. This ensures that no stagnant energy interrupts the potential and magic of your intentions. This egg cleanse ritual generally includes copal burning. So, if you cannot find it, try replacing it with frankincense. Even if you have palo santo or garden sage, you can easily conduct this ritual at home.  One of the important things to consider is keeping your windows open, lighting the incense, and walking across the room. This ensures that positive energy reaches all the crevices and corners. You might also try passing the egg in the form of smoke. Wash It The initial step of any egg cleansing ritual is to wash the egg thoroughly. Then, rinse it gently in a bowl full of water and salted lemon. Once you are done, drain the water and keep the egg on a cloth. Establish A Connection With The Universe Lighting your candle is when you know you have to build a strong connection with the Universe. You might also try connecting to the Goddess, Spirit, or Source. Seek help from the Universe to use the egg as a medium to clear the negative energy inside you. While you perform this step, don’t forget to pass the egg across the candle flame occasionally.  Fix An Intention For This Cleansing Procedure This might seem obvious, but setting an intention during the egg cleanse ritual on a full moon day is important. For example, ask yourself what are your objectives and why are you performing the ritual.  Place the egg on your hands and bring it closer to the heart slowly- all while thinking about your intention. After doing this, repeat the intention loud and clear. It is alright to talk to your egg directly.  Roll It All Over Your Body The actual time of egg action has come. You might lay down or stand up and move the egg slowly down your body. Begin with your head and end at your feet. Don’t forget to continue this in anti-clockwise and small circular motions, just like you would roll an ice cube on the body. It is significant to have faith in your intuition. If you want to place the egg on a body part for a prolonged period, do it.  Just ensure to cover each part of your body, including your eyelids, ears, neck, and even the soles of both your feet.  Into A Glass Of Water, Crack The Egg The next step in your egg cleanse ritual is to crack the egg into a glass of water. Allow it to settle for at least 5-10 minutes before beginning to analyze it. You might use this time to sit and meditate.  Now, look at the glass side on top and notice the egg inside the water. If there are strands, bubbles, images, or color changes, things might be unusual and deserve your attention.  The Meaning Of Each Egg Cleanse On completing the ritual, you might see some usual things. But one might ask how to read an egg cleanse. Here are some common visuals and what they symbolize- Clean water If there is no unusual smell or shape and the water is pretty much clear, there is less stagnant energy within you. Hence, this ritual has cleansed it, and you do not have to do another ritual anytime soon.  Sinking Yolk Are you noticing the yolk sinking to the bottom of the glass? It might be an indication that the ritual has cleansed some heavy stuff inside you.  Cloudy Water Noticing cloudy water without any smell or blood in it might indicate a loss of energy caused by a tiny hole in the aura. You might have been experiencing severe fear, nightmares, or anxiety.  Bubbles Small bubbles can eventually indicate that the egg cleanse has absorbed all the negative energy. However, it might also indicate you are more irritated or tired due to extreme stress. If there are bigger bubbles, you are most likely to be caged into a situation that’s inescapable.  Foul Smell Or Drops Of Blood If you have noticed a foul smell or some blood drops in the egg, it might indicate that you are ill. There are possibilities of you experiencing mental or physical illness. On a serious level, it might indicate that somebody has placed a curse on you.  Cobwebs Are you seeing cobwebs in the egg? There might be a person in your life who is envious of your success. One might also get a sense of entanglement in some sticky situations that are a result of confusion and negativity.  Flowers Flowers generally indicate positivity, so if you are seeing one in your egg, the negative energy is gradually dissipating. Be rest assured that better things are coming in your life.  What To Do With The Egg?  Once the cleansing ritual gets closure, the next important consideration is what to do with the egg. You have to dispose of it in the right manner. Remember, in any situation, you are not supposed to consume the egg. Although it might seem like wasting a good product, it is an important step in ending egg cleanse rituals.  Now that you have cleansed your mind, soul, and body from all bad energies, consider the egg as a bad egg. On consuming it, you might allow the toxicity to enter your body again. Just wash it in your kitchen sink and put the eggshell inside the earth’s surface.  Takeaways…Cleanse Your Aura  There are various ways to get rid of negative and disruptive energies. But egg cleanse, as a ritual, has gained immense popularity owing to its benefits. If you want to receive its highest benefits, make sure to keep your mind free from all negative thoughts.  With this, I bring this comprehensive guide to an end. I wish my readers all the very best while they set their foot on such a mystical self-cleaning procedure. If you have already undergone this procedure, comment below and share your experiences. Read Also: Is It Okay To Eat Raw Oats? 5 Most Effective Ways To Receive Spiritual Guidance Benefits Of Having Fresh Flowers As Household Decoration

love with a married man

"I believe that two people are connected at the heart, and it doesn't matter what you do, or who you are or where you live; there are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together." - Julia Roberts. Well, this might sound brilliant, but shall we get back to reality? Those just happen in movies. And we, a bunch of hopeless romantics, keep imagining a knight in shining armor to turn up at our doorstep in the middle of the night? Even if the knight is married. The need to feel validated, to be loved, has gotten to a point where we forget to draw boundaries and respect the ones drawn by others. We are all broken souls, trapped in dead bodies, carrying the corpse of our love on our shoulders every day. Yeah, I wrote that. Love is really stupid. And we are hopeless. That is a deadly combination, after all! So, without any further delay, let us get to the depths of it and see what the article unfolds. Are You In Love With A Married Man? Well, I may have boasted about love being different and all in real life, but is it really that different? I mean, do we really have control over it? We fall in love with some of the most unexpected people and become hopeless idiots. You definitely may not have planned on falling in love with a married man, but who can control affection? Sometimes, even the wisest of us make mistakes. We slip and fall. "Dating a married guy can take you over the moon, but it can be painful too. Surely you have tried to resist it, but your emotions got the best of you. We are not here to tell you to "end it" or make you feel worse about your choice." Why Do Women Tend To Choose Older Men In General? Well, being a woman myself, it is the maturity. That will always be on top. We, women, tend to mature faster. Our needs, wishes, and issues change as we grow up. And this happens faster than men. However, I am not saying that men are not mature. I have known some of the most mature and secure men in my whole life. What I am saying is, women of my age usually prefer older men because we like the kind of maturity that they inherit. That is all. This is not a comparison. It is just a fact that I feel that the world should know. Also, the older the man, the more the experience! It is like they know you, in and out. They can provide you with the exact help that you need emotionally and physically. They do not run away from emotional commitments. Also, They are so secure with their own emotions that eventually, you start feeling secure around them. Also, they make you comfortable physically. They don't care about stretch marks or tummy fat. They appreciate your body and just know how to perfectly work their way out. It is beautiful. Now, coming to a married man. Sounds scandalous, doesn't it? Well, it is! While some of us may have no control over the ones we fall in love with, some women get a kick from trying out the forbidden fruit. Eve did the same. Well, I will not be sitting here educating you if falling in love with a married man is justified or not. As long as there are two consenting adults involved, only they get to decide what is best for them; however, I can discuss some of the consequences of falling in love with a married man and what red flags you must look out for! 10 Considerations If You Are In Love With A Married Man While I am not going to judge you for being in love with a married man, I will definitely help you handle the situation like a pro so that you are not in shambles when the situation goes down south. You Are Never His Priority However tough it may be to gulp, you can never be the first priority of a married man. For him, his wife and children will always be prior, no matter what the situation is. You will never be his first choice! If you are having an affair with a married man, you better not depend on his support unconditionally. Do Not Trust Him Unconditionally They say love is blind, sure it is, but you are not. While you may be in love with him, and he claims to be in love with you too, what is the guarantee? Can you really trust someone who can easily deceive the trust of someone else? There is no place for you to put your trust totally in him, especially if he hid or lied to you about the fact that he is married. He may apologize or be remorseful about it but do not forget that you may not be the first one that he has lied to. Also, observe how he talks about his wife. The way a man speaks about his wife says a lot more about his own character than his wife's. Keep Yourself Open To Options While you may feed your fantasies with the thrill that comes from dating a married man, it is still a delusion after all. Loving a married man can make you feel guilty, alone, and isolated. You will not get them most of the time when you need them; you will not get them around you, so keep your options open. If they are not loyal to you, then what gives you a reason to prove your loyalty to them either? This will also save you from the devastating heartbreak when the thing finally ends and allow you to meet new people you can have a future with. Do Not Settle For Unsatisfying Answers If you are in love with a married man, always keep an eye out for those ambiguous or unclear answers. If he has promised you that he would leave his wife, demand to know when, and keep asking for proof. Words alone can never be enough. The Relationship Will Change Once He Gets The Divorce Dating a married man is way different than dating him once he is divorced. The entire process will involve a lot of confusion, shame, and maybe even relief; all of it will be a lot to process in one go. This will have a drastic impact on your relationship. You will no longer feel the butterflies inside your stomach that you felt initially. The Odds Of Leaving His Wife Is Pretty Less If you are involved with a married man, you will very unconsciously increase the odds of you both being together. The ultimate truth is, however unhappy or unsatisfied he is in the marriage, he is still a part of it. You may consider yourself to be the turning point. Still, if he hasn't called it quits with his wife within the initial months of getting married, the chances of him actually ending the marriage gradually decrease over the months. Also, there is a chance that he might end the relationship with you immediately after ending his marriage. Think of it this way, if either one of you was satisfying in all ways, he would not have needed both of you at the same time. The Wife Is Not Always Responsible While you may be dating the man that is married, the wife may have known him since he was single. Be a little skeptical if he keeps on blaming his wife for every problem that has occurred in their marriage. Just keep in mind you get to know only as much as he lets you know, Be True To Yourself Falling in love with a married man was never the plan, but bad things happen. It's okay. Cursing yourself is not a solution. Just be true to yourself and ask some of the hard questions which will help you protect yourself in the near future. What is the best-case scenario? What are the odds? What is the worst thing that can happen? What are the chances? What future do you see for yourself? Is it compatible enough with his? What is your plan for the next year if things remain the same? Is he worthy enough to sacrifice your future? How long can you keep up with this? Make Sure It Is Love, And Not Lust Or Infatuation We often confuse lust or infatuation with love, and that just messes everything up. Understand the things that you actually want from him. Is it really love? Or are you just physically attracted to him? Lust can also be disguised as love. Infatuation is often confused with love. So before you dive into it, make sure of what your feelings actually are for that man. Feelings can be complicated and therefore do not make any rash decisions that might put you in a position that you don't want to encounter. Respect The Fact That He Is Married, And Has A Wife Never forget that the man has a wife, and you are the other woman. No matter how hard it sounds, you are the intruder, and he allowed it. The wife here is nowhere to be blamed. If at all, you are the one who is in a relationship with someone that is already in a relationship with someone else. So if you both want it to work out somehow, make sure you have respect for the ones that are already involved. Is It Really Okay To Love A Married Man? Well, if you are in love with a married man who claims to love you back, there is always some degree of risk involved if the relationship involves sexual activities. However, I will never suggest you get involved with a man that is married or is committed to another woman, but life gets the best of us sometimes. We lose control and make mistakes that we never anticipate. To me, it is more like compromising your own happiness and sacrificing your future to an eternity of uncertainty. You would not know what your future holds. Being in love with a man that is already married will make you go through guilt, remorse, pain, and whatnot. At the end of the day, he will at least have a home to go to, but you will be all alone, isolated, and sad. Individuals Open Up About Dating Married Men! Anonymous Man, Quora "When I was married many years ago, I was astounded, dumbfounded, and completely "blood-hounded" as to just how the presence of a wedding ring suddenly made me very attractive to women who otherwise would not have had given me a second thought; I had a favorite fast-food restaurant, and grocery store liked going-to on some evenings, and I had to stop going to them because of this. Just like in men, it seems some women sometimes like the thought of "having" something they know they cannot; therefore, they will throw caution to the wind and "see what happens." It wasn't until this started happening that I started seeing women and how truly, some of them are, and not as I had been raised to believe that they ought to be. I remember telling my wife several times of these encounters, and I'll be gobsmacked; she actually blamed that on …me! I remember apologizing for more times than I felt I ought to have for something that was not my fault, and all the while being stupid enough to believe in being open and honest to my wife about my day-to-day happenings, only to be "prosecuted' over it." Anonymous. "No. I'm at the end of a multiple-year affair with a married man. I could tell you all the reasons I felt it was semi-justified, but they don't really matter. And if you decide to have an affair with a married man, you'll find your own reasons why you make the choice. However, I can tell you that it's not worth it. At one time, I thought it was. In the beginning, he was my closest friend. We were both in very difficult situations in life. I was alone, and he thought his marriage was over. We grew close. I'd had an abusive relationship before this, and the safety, security, and sense of love and care I felt from him were a balm to my badly hurt soul. Logic told me that the abuse was not my fault, but I still couldn't always shake the feeling that it had been, that if I had been more something and less something else, he wouldn't have hurt me. I felt that maybe I had been, as my ex had told me, lucky that he'd been with me at all, as damaged as I was. I knew going into this that this was a likely outcome and that I was trading away my rights for my emotion. I have no one to blame. He goes home to a life that is full and is, once again, enough for him. I go home to emptiness, to nothing, to no one. I will count the weeks, then the months, and then the years since someone last held me close and told me he loved me. I will cry a thousand tears alone because who can I tell? I am nothing, no one. I have no rights. No. No matter how much you love him, you cannot choose him. You have to choose yourself because if you don't, you'll hurt so much more. There is no winning here." The Final…….Caution! Alas! You have done it, haven't you? You have fallen in love with a married man. It feels really forbidden and thrilling, but what comes next? Are you happy with it? Being the intruder? Being the other woman? If you are happy with it, go for it. But if at one point you feel like you deserve better, just know there is always a chance for you to come out of it. You always get a chance to choose yourself, to love yourself! Read Also: Is It Okey To Have Sex Everyday? – Is It Safe? Running While Pregnant: Is It Ok To Run While Pregnant? Is It Ok To Have Sex On Period? 10 Women Open Up About Their Experience!

Sex While Pregnant

While your sex life may change when you conceive, there is no reason why you should refrain from having sex while pregnant. Pregnancy is a tough time for women; for Lord's sake, our bodies and minds go through so much, so pardon us for wanting a little taste of sex while we grow the whole human inside of us. I get it; with so much information on the internet and so many people coming up with different opinions, it might get confusing who to believe. So, I am here to the rescue. In this article, we shall go through all the details, dos, and don'ts of having sex while pregnant. Is It Okay To Have Sex While Pregnant? If you are concerned about the growing baby in your womb, let me just clear it out by saying that having sex at any stage will not harm the baby as long as the pregnancy is normal and not complicated. The strong muscles of the uterus, amniotic fluid, and the muscle plug that builds around the cervix protect the baby under all circumstances. Some people choose to believe that engaging in any sexual activities at the time of pregnancy or even having an orgasm may damage the fetus or damage the baby, increase the chances of a miscarriage, or may induce early labor. However, all of these are myths if the pregnancy is healthy. Sex While Pregnant In The First Trimester Research has actually proved that there is a gradual decline in sex, mainly penetrative from pre-pregnancy to early pregnancy, that continues to till late pregnancy. While having sex during the first trimester is absolutely okay, here is a list of reasons why you may find a drop in your sex drive that starts from the very early stages of pregnancy: Nausea Fear of miscarriage or of harming the unborn baby Tiredness Discomfort Lack of interest Fear of infection Physical awkwardness Fear of membrane rupture It is no news that pregnancy drastically affects your sex life, and why not? There has been a lot going on, after all. Having Sex While Pregnant In The Second Trimester The sexual desires and habits in a woman's body fluctuate in the second semester too. At this stage, couples may think about rekindling their sex lives. While some women may find an increase in their libido because of how they have accepted their bodies, for some, it may decrease. According to studies, some couples have shared how they have felt more intimate while having sex during pregnancy. Some even go to the extent of isolating themselves to focus more on building their relationship. "I'm 29 weeks and my husband and I still have sex (though it has gotten a bit tricky lol) he hasn't complained about anything different to me at least. He was scared to have sex at first cuz he didn't want to hurt anything lol. He's so sweet. But in my last trimester, especially my libido has really picked up and apparently, I'm very attractive while pregnant haha." Reddit user. However, the very same study has suggested that 1/5th of the couples have reported facing a "five-month crisis," a situation where women tend to isolate themselves, which may make their partners feel abandoned during sex. However, it was once again the same study that claimed that ⅕ of the women had experienced an orgasm for the first time during sex while pregnant. Many couples take advantage of the higher sex drive of women to try out their different sexual fantasies, like different positions, fantasies, fetishes, games, and other pleasures. Although, many couples do not feel comfortable having sex while pregnant and therefore refrain from doing so. While they may avoid intercourse, they may still use other ways to have sexual satisfaction in their relationship. Having Sex While Pregnant In The Third Trimester Engagement in sexual activities during the third trimester may decrease while a woman reaches the third trimester. Orgasms result in uterine muscle contraction, which most women worry may hurt the baby. Most women feel quite unattractive with their bodies, hence may choose not to engage in any sexual activities. And, of course, there is always discomfort in sexual positions. Benefits Of Having Sex While Pregnant Having sex while pregnant has multiple benefits. Some of which may include: Pregnancy helps you discover new sex positions which you would not have tried otherwise. Because your body changes, you tend to give up on the old positions to try out the new ones that feel more comfortable. Sex in pregnancy feels even better. The blood flow in your pubic area heightens during pregnancy, and hence you tend to get more and more sensitive while having sex. Orgasms are no more just mere climaxes. Orgasms are major stress relievers and help calm your body and release a lot of pain. Sex while pregnant helps you improve your mental health and cure a lot of intrusive thoughts that flood your head while you are pregnant. Sex releases a lot of endorphins, which help you sleep better at night. Risks Of Having Sex While Pregnant It can literally not be possible that having sex while pregnant will not have any risks. There are quite a few potential risks of having sex during pregnancy, some of which may include: Medium to extremely heavy bleeding. It may cause Placenta Previa. This may result in the breaking of water as the risk of infections heightens. If you have any issues with the cervix, there is a higher risk of early labor or even a miscarriage. Sex may not be the best option if you have conceived twins and are in the later pregnancy stages. Sex is also not suggested if you have you have gone into early labor in the past or if you are late into the pregnancy. Women Anonymously Open Up About Having Sex While Pregnant! Yaay! While I may sound pretty unconvincing, that is okay. But fear not. I did what a girl needed to do and came up with some of the most authentic reviews about having sex while pregnant. [anonymous, obviously!] Anonymous: "Everything with me was heightened while I was pregnant. My sex drive was so much higher than normal and my husband did not mind. Typically we would have sex three times a week and it changed to three times a day. I was a little scared to have sex initially because I had no idea what effect it would have on the baby. My husband quickly assured me we'd be fine. As the pregnancy continued, around six and seven months, we did have to be more careful and particular on what position we did just for my own personal comfort. Me on top or my partner entering me from behind worked the best, while the missionary was super uncomfortable." See, you can still have fun if you are a little careful! Anonymous: "Sex while pregnant was okay at first, but after I started to show it got kinda weird! Everyone said that my sex drive was going to go up and be so much more intense, but unfortunately that wasn't the case for me. I was showing really early, so my stomach was really big [for most of my pregnancy]. I also swelled up like a balloon in my legs and ankles, and was just uncomfortable most of the time. And my son moved a lot! Having sex with a giant belly that's hard to move around was super awkward. My husband was much more careful with me than before I was pregnant. I don't think he wanted to do anything to risk any type of injury or trauma to me or the baby. Plus, since the baby moved so much, he'd often feel a foot or elbow popping out at him during intercourse. It was just too weird for him and he would take it as a sign to stop. We finally ended up just waiting until after the baby was born to get our sex lives back!" Isn't that…..sad? Let us move on to the next one, then. Anonymous: "In the first and third trimester my sex drive was lower than normal, but there was a sweet spot in the middle where it was all I wanted. [Sex was] pain-relieving, exciting, and felt almost new. My husband found me so attractive throughout my pregnancy. He was more cautious at the end of the pregnancy, but with some reassurance he was more excited about it!" See, it isn't a bad experience for everyone after all! Anonymous: "I was extremely pleased to discover that a big bonus of being pregnant were the pregnancy orgasms with a capital O. I experienced having multiple orgasms before being pregnant, but it was never the norm. When I was pregnant, multiple orgasms became regular and rather expected. My sex drive was in high gear and my body response was intense. Your body feels radiant and beautiful which adds to your confidence. I also think that the connection is intensified between you and your partner. My husband was definitely more careful at first (checking that I was okay and if the position suited me as I got further along in the pregnancy), but soon realized I was very okay and enjoying things a lot. " Well, this is the confidence that I pray every woman gets while she is growing a little human inside of them! Anonymous: "Sex does differ when you're pregnant. Once you initially find out you're expecting the gut reaction is to pull back a bit to be 'careful,' despite whether there is actually anything to be concerned about. By the second trimester, I got my energy back and my sex drive was five times as strong. I was producing more discharge around the 12 week mark, which made sex more enjoyable and messy. I was ready all the time. My partner tried to be very aware of positions and how they might feel to me. He could feel me tense up and would ask if I was in pain and if I wanted to change positions. During the second trimester, being on top was the most comfortable, and in the third trimester, doggy style was the most comfortable. What feels good one day may change a week later, so it's important to be very open and honest with your partner to ensure it's comfortable and pleasant for both." Pregnant or not, communication is the key to good sex. The more you communicate about what gives you comfort and what makes you uncomfortable, you are good to go. Anonymous: "For me, sex during pregnancy is absolutely fantastic — like mind-blowing fun and excitement. I feel like a true life-giving, orgasm-having, divinely feminine sex goddess! I had no idea pregnant sex and masturbation were so great until I experienced it. The enhanced orgasms and heightened sensations of pregnant sex are a serious consolation prize for the common discomforts that women experience in pregnancy, like nausea, extreme fatigue, breast tenderness, etc. So to all the mamas out there feeling silly or shocked by their bodies' desire to get down while they gestate: "If there is no medical reason for holding back, then do yourself (and your partner) a favor and get freaky." Let's Wrap Up! Well, hopefully, by now, you know that having sex while pregnant is completely a choice, and to do it or not totally depends on the couple. It is something very intimate and must never be forced upon someone. It depends on the comfort of the couple and how easily they can connect with each other. Pregnant or not, sex is after all everything about connection and bonds. While there are multiple benefits of having sex while pregnant, the risks are there too. So, if you choose to do it, just be careful enough and check with your dynamic if it is safe or not. Rest assured; you are all good. If there is anything else that you want to ask, please feel free to drop a comment below! Read Also: Running While Pregnant: Is It Ok To Run While Pregnant? Paternity Testing While Pregnant: Why Every Expectant Mom Deserves Peace Of Mind Is It Ok To Have Sex On Period? 10 Women Open Up About Their Experience On Period Sex!

Running While Pregnant

Exercising brings a number of benefits to our bodies. Running marks a high-intensity exercise that keeps our blood circulation level normal. But is it okay to opt for running while pregnant? A lot of expecting mothers ask me this! So, let’s delve deeper into the comprehensive guide and discover the answer.  For a pregnant lady, it is generally suggested to indulge in a moderate-intensity workout for at least 150 minutes. But that’s when you have a normal and healthy pregnancy. Doctors are of the opinion that women who have a habit of running prior to the pregnancy might continue it later as well.  How Safe Is Running While Pregnant? Generally speaking, running is safe while pregnancy, provided you have a normal one. A lot of suggestions to not run might come from family and well-meaning friends. Some might even warn you that the intensive level might induce early labor and further complications in the pregnancy.  If you are consistently fed these fears, it’s time to break free from the confusion. While the concern generally comes from your safe haven, you might need to analyze things a bit from your side, too. Running never caused a miscarriage or damage to the baby in the past. If you were running before you started expecting, you might continue it now as well.  That being said, you might want to consult your physician before taking the step. To make things a bit easier for you, I will cover the benefits and risks of running while pregnant in the next section of the article.  Unraveling Pregnancy Running Benefits No other journey is as beautiful as pregnancy. A mother rediscovers herself during these 9 months. But that doesn’t mean it is easy to be an expecting mother. One cannot even imagine what goes on with the body when embarking on pregnancy. There is fatigue, mood swings, weight gain, and pregnancy brain fog waiting to hit you up. Yet, keeping yourself active during pregnancy can immensely improve the way you feel mentally and physically. The 150-minute workout I talked about earlier can induce sweating along with raising your heart rate.  In case you were physically active prior to pregnancy, remaining active has no serious implications. All you have to do is adjust the workout intensities accordingly now that you know you have a life growing inside you! Running while pregnant eases back pain, fatigue, and constipation.  Let’s not forget that exercise boosts the endorphin production in our body. These refer to the good hormones that eventually lighten our mood. Running and exercising while pregnant is a win-win as it keeps your mental and physical well-being active.  Tips To Have A Safe Running While Pregnant While running is absolutely fine for expecting mothers, there might be a few things that you must keep in mind.  Get Bonny Sneakers While pregnancy, the joints in your feet and ankles are prone to injuries. So, if you are not wearing a good pair of shoes, you might experience a fall. Opt for supportive running shoes, one that gives your feet relief even while doing this strenuous exercise. Chances are your feet get a bit swollen at this time, so opt for a bigger size.  Support Your Breasts As Well It is no longer a hidden fact that a woman’s breast undergoes various changes during this period. The variation in sizes might cause trouble in exercising. So, if you are running while pregnant, get yourself a good, supportive bra and avoid breast pain, at least! Hydrate Yourself Well The increased bladder pressure has already made it difficult for you to take frequent toilet breaks. While it might sound a bit tempting to consume more water, it is quite necessary. An expecting mother might need 8-12 cups of water a day. Water increases the amniotic fluid in the body.  Further, higher blood volume removes waste and makes digestion better.  Consider Your Body Needs Testing your personal best isn’t a much-suited activity during pregnancy. Your body might be working too hard already. So, if you think you cannot afford to run, just don’t do it. Running while pregnant is not mandated; instead, opt for slow walk breaks and yoga practices. During these trying times, don’t forget to hear your body out.  Be Wary Of When To Put An End The firstmost trimester might make it difficult for you to run, provided the fatigue and nausea. Just when you think things are slowly settling down, the second trimester arrives with a swing of energy returns. Finally, the third one makes it all the more difficult for women to run.  So, knowing when to stop running is important. It all depends on how far your body supports you in this physical activity.  Running While Pregnant: What Are The Associated Risks? Some women have experienced their share of challenges while pregnancy-running. Pregnancy makes your body different. Thus, you might encounter a switch in your center of balance and gravity. The belly size keeps increasing, which makes you prone to falling. In order to avoid an accident, never run on pavements or sidewalks.  The bouncing motion keeps getting a bit uncomfortable in the second trimester as the belly becomes bigger. This movement might be limited to some extent if you wear a belly support band. Additionally, never forget that your ligaments and joints lose down at this stage.  The reason is that your body produces the relaxin hormone that calms down the ligaments inside the pelvis. It is basically an indication that your body is all set for childbirth. Further, the hormone relaxes both joins and ligaments in different body parts and puts you at a heightened injury risk.  If you experience serious complications like chest pain, blood diffusion, or breathing issues, immediately stop running while pregnant. Don’t forget; your baby is your biggest responsibility when it is growing inside you.  Key Takeaways Running or exercising as an expected mother benefits your overall well-being. Not only it eases back pain, but it also improves blood circulation and mood swings. But you might opt for it only when your body allows you to do so.  So, that was all about running while pregnant. I hope, just like other articles, this, too, gave you an informative insight into the topic. Run, exercise, eat, hydrate, and, most importantly, consult your gynecologist before making big pregnancy decisions. Thank you for reading this out. Let me know if you have other pregnancy-related questions in the comment box below.  Read Also: Performance Anxiety: Is It Worth It? Is It Okay To Be In Love With A Married Man? Is It Okay Breaking Off An Engagement – 6 Signs You Should

is it ok to have sex everyday

Is it ok to have sex everyday? A lot of you may have the question if it is ok to have sex every day. Well, if you thought that sex was just an act of pleasure, you are quite wrong. And even if it is for the sole purpose of pleasure, there is nothing wrong with getting under the sheets every day. Sex is beautiful, hot, and apparently the best thing in the world. I am literally at a loss of words to explain how exhilarating it feels to get intimate with your partner every day. Understanding Sex... With bodies tangled, sweat dripping down, and running out of breath - it indeed is the best thing on the planet. So, when something feels so amazing, why not do it whenever you can? Sex with the right amount of trust, passion, lust, and intimacy can become an addiction. It physically aches not to be able to touch your partner for long when the sex becomes that good. Personally speaking, sex is like worshiping. Devoting yourself completely to your partner, and submitting yourself physically and emotionally, is the ultimate beauty of sex. What Do People Usually Say About Sex EVERYDAY? A lot of people may feel that having sex every day may not be the best option; however, I have some anonymous responders that beg to differ. “Yes, and on a LONG term basis. As part of what we were doing years ago to help improve our sex life, we negotiated a schedule. It started off very modestly.. once a week. The schedule took all the arguing and resentment out of pleading or negotiating for sex. It happened, and it got better. We both knew it was going to happen, we both started looking forward to it and as it got better, we decided to change the schedule to twice a week…. Twice a week moved to three times a week, and when it got to every other day… She sat me down, and she said she wanted to take control over key aspects like when we would make love and a few more details.”  When you start enjoying sex, it becomes as normal as breathing, eating, or taking a shower. I had no clue if I could perform every day. Was if this was going to get stale, which could be disastrous… I figured I would try, and the worst that would happen is we could decide to scale back to every other day if we needed to… Well, twelve or so years later, every morning we get up early, mostly she wakes me up, and we spend a quality hour on foreplay, oral sex for her, sometimes with a vibrator, and then intercourse. For us, this is OUR normal… for others, this is insanity… I know we at ANY age, let alone a long-married couple old enough to be grandparents, is a bit unusual, but the fact is we both enjoy and actually look forward to making love to one another every morning. However, sex not only gives you the ultimate level of pleasure, but it also has other benefits too. It relaxes your mind, helps in releasing stress, and gives you better sleep at night. And let us not forget; sex burns a lot of calories; hence having it regularly can cut down on your gym costs too. So, if you are getting all these benefits, then why not have them regularly? In this article, I will take you through the benefits of regular sex so that you can finally know if it is ok to have sex every day! Key Points To Remember Having sex regularly is not a bad thing. Sex is only a bodily need. So you do not have to feel guilty by satisfying your needs regularly. Sex not only gives you pleasure, but it also has other benefits, which I will be talking about further in the article. Your choice of partner may vary or remain the same; no judgments! However, you must always practice safe sex. Contraceptives are a must. Not only will it protect you from unwanted pregnancies but also from any sexually transmitted diseases Is It Ok To Have Sex Every Day? Now that I have boasted about the fact that it is okay to have sex every day, now let me take you through the benefits of having regular sex. As I have said before, sex is not just an act of physical satisfaction; it is so much more than that. Here are the benefits of having sex regularly: Helps To Sleep Better Intense sex releases a hormone known as Oxytocin, which is also known as the happy hormone. An increased level of oxytocin, along with endorphins in your body, helps in boosting intimacy and gives your body the urge to have sex regularly. An increase in these hormones helps in sleeping better, and if you are sleeping well, then: Longer lifespan Stronger immune system Keeps you energetic for the whole day An orgasm or masturbation can also lead to good sleep. Sex just accelerates the process. Lowers Stress Levels Sex releases an excessive amount of endorphins in the body, which is an excessively good stress buster. Therefore, having sex regularly can actually control your stress levels and help you maintain a better life. Reduces Blood Pressure Risks When your stress levels are low, the pressure in your blood also stays low, hence reducing the risks of hypertension. You Look Younger The morning glow that we dream of is no longer a myth. If you suffer from skin problems like dry skin or acne, try having sex every day. Trust me; you will see visible results in no time. Develops Intimacy Having sex regularly with your partner can peak your intimacy levels. Not just physical intimacy but also emotional intimacy. After all, sex is so much more than just a physical act when done with the right person. Some of the other benefits of sex may include: Reducing Cancer Risk Relieving Period Cramps Good For The Heart Maintains Hormonal Balance Lowers Depression The Bottom Line Hopefully, by now, you know if is it ok to have sex every day. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having sex regularly as long as you are practicing safe sex. So, stop feeling guilty, and start living your fantasies as much as you can. Moreover, if you have any more questions, feel free to drop a comment below. Read Also: Performance Anxiety: Is It Worth It? Is It Okay To Be In Love With A Married Man? Is It Okay Breaking Off An Engagement – 6 Signs You Should

Sex On Period

Hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, and we come down to this? Seriously? Out of all the things that you should be skeptical about, you are here asking if sex on period is okay? Sex is the best thing we women can have. The passion and the heat of sexual activity are unparalleled. So why not have it when the body needs it the most? Without a hint of doubt, periods are the ultimate nemesis of every woman out there. We just lie around like wounded soldiers, bleeding and crying, and of course, the hormonal imbalances. So, if we can have a little pleasure in the moment of pain; if we can have someone to worship us like the Goddess that we are, what is wrong with it? Are you worried about the mess? Well, I would be more worried about you if you were here telling me that you usually don't clean up on regular days after having sex anyway. But I get it, a lot of us do feel unclean or dirty during periods, and honestly, the kind of feedback, or more like the lack of feedback, is what fuels our doubts even more. But you got a friend in me! A couple of months back, I had the same idea. I thought periods were all about crying on my bed while binge-watching FRIENDS and eating as much junk as I could, but guess what? With the right partner, the way you look at things, changes! Mine did too. And honestly, it was the best decision ever! Well, I am not telling you to jump to a conclusion right now. I didn't either. It took me a lot of digging, a lot of interrogations, with a bucket full of insecurity and self-doubt, and one fine day, I decided to throw it all out the window, and here I am now, explaining to you why it was the best decision I ever made. And not just speaking from the perspective of sex, there are other benefits too. If you didn't already know, sex on a period is one of the best painkillers, without any side effects. So without any further delay, let me take you through all the things I found out about having sex on period, and then maybe we can figure out if you want to do it or not. Types Of Sex Now before jumping to any conclusions, I think it's fair for you to know that sex has types. Sex on period, therefore, is also a combination of the different types of sexual activities. Sex on period is mainly inclusive of these four types: Oral Sex Penetrative Sex Masturbation Other Sexual Activities While for some people performing any of these activities may be extremely uncomfortable, for some, extremely pleasurable. Also, before we get into the depths of the topic, let me just clear out that having sex on period is completely a choice. Therefore it is unfair to judge anyone based on their sexual choices and preferences. This article aims to educate people, and not force them into doing anything that they do not feel comfortable doing. Sex, after all, is all about comfort - periods, or no periods! Some people frown on sex on period, while some may feel it's quite beneficial. I have known multiple women that have had issues with self-lubrication, or simply speaking, staying wet during sex. Period sex is a blessing, especially for those women that refuse to use artificial lubricants. Also, the vagina and the vulva get swollen with blood, which makes the body ten times more sensitive to touch, which helps the sex become even more sensual. Also, period sex is a great painkiller. It helps severely with period cramps. Sexual activities release endorphins in the body, which helps in easing the pain. Other than just periods, sex in itself can relieve migraine or headaches for many people. Sex On Period: The Benefits As I said before, sex on period is not just about intense pleasure, it is a lot more than that. Period sex has multiple proven benefits; let me take you through some of those now: Cramp Relief Well, I don't know about you, but for me, the worst part of periods is the cramp! And I am pretty sure many women can relate with me on this. A majority of my period goes by complaining about how badly my stomach hurts while hugging a heating pad and swallowing as many painkillers as I can. So, if I am getting a chance to get momentary relief from that terrifying pain, I will grab it! Orgasms relieve menstrual cramps. Period cramps mainly occur because of the contraction of the uterus to release its lining. While you orgasm, the muscles of your uterus contract too; hence it provides a relief from the nuisance that cramps are. Sex also releases a good amount of endorphins in the body, which makes you feel good. And honestly, I would trade every penny in my bank just to feel good while I am on my period. Shorten Your Periods How many times have you heard any of your peers say that their period gets over in two or three days while you are just a walking blood bank for an entire week? Well, God has his favorites! And we apparently are not, so we just need to find ways to survive. Luckily, sex on period can actually shorten the time span of your periods. Orgasms, as I said, help in muscle contraction, which in turn helps in pushing out your uterine contents faster, hence shorter periods. Yaay! Increases Sex Drive Thanks to extreme hormonal imbalances, our libido keeps changing throughout the menstrual cycle. Some people claim that their sex drive increases a lot during their ovulation period, which is two weeks prior to your periods, while some claim that it is at its peak during periods. With an increased level of sec drive, the sex gets even more intense and passionate. A Natural Lube Many of us struggle to naturally lube ourselves, which is normal. You do not have to feel guilty about it at all. Every body is different, and some of us just need a push. A lubricant does exactly that. However, sex on period takes away the entire hassle of an artificial lubricant because blood acts as a natural one. Helps In Relieving Migraine According to a study back in 2017, more than half of the total women have complained about getting migraine attacks during periods. While a majority of the women that get migraine attacks during periods refrain from having sex on periods; however, studies have found that sex on a period has partially or totally relieved migraine attacks. Are There Any Side Effects Of Sex On Period? Well, YES! You can't always have the goods, now can you? Everything that is fun will have some setbacks after all. The biggest setback of sex is the mess it makes. During the days of heavy flow, it will look like a battleground. Blood will be everywhere. The blood wouldn't just worry you about ruining the bed sheets but will make you extremely self-conscious. The anxiety will also result in taking away the majority of the fun from the sex. There is yet another worry about having sex on period, and that is the transmission of STIs, like hepatitis. The hepatitis virus lives within the blood and may get transmitted through the menstrual blood. Therefore, it is always best to use a condom, which will not only keep you safe from any sexually transmitted diseases but also reduce the chances of pregnancy. Can You Get Pregnant While Having Sex On Period? To answer your question, YES! You can get pregnant if you are having sex, even during your period! It doesn't matter what part of the cycle you are in; the chances of pregnancy during periods may be low, but it is never zero. The highest chance of getting pregnant is while you are ovulating; however, it is still possible for you to get pregnant during the other stages too. Therefore, try and use a condom or other forms of contraceptives while you are having sex on periods unless you are actively trying to get pregnant. Tips On Having Sex On Period Now that you know that sex on period isn't that bad either, and also that it has some major setbacks, let me just give you some of the tips that will help you make your experience a little less messy, so you can just keep your focus on the sex! Try to communicate openly with your partner. Be honest and tell them what you think about having sex on your period and take their opinion too. If you prefer using a tampon, or a period cup, remove it before you have sex. Try using a towel. A dark color at that. This will absorb the stains that could have ruined your bedsheets. Also, try to have sex in the shower or bathtub, as that will help you avoid the mess entirely. Keep wet wipes or a wet washcloth around to clean up immediately afterward. Always use a latex condom to prevent the transmission of any STIs or pregnancy. You may also try out different sexual positions, which may be more comfortable compared to your usual ones. 10 Women Open Up About Having Sex On Period! And y'all thought I'd leave you with just my own opinions? Never! At the very beginning, I said it was the lack of genuine feedback that had made so many women skeptical about having sex on their period. So, I did what a girl needs to do. I asked 10 adult women to anonymously share their experiences and opinion on having sex on period, and here are the responses for you! Anonymous. "While a lot of people think that it is a disgusting thing to have penetrative sex when you are on your period, I personally really enjoy it. However, it wasn't like this before. I, too, used to feel uneasy thinking about the fact that it would be a rather "messy and bloody" love. My partner made me feel comfortable about it, to be very honest. And I think that it was one of the best decisions we made so far. And there are a number of reasons why I am of this opinion. Firstly, it really helps you out with unbearable cramps. Secondly, you are naturally even more lubricated; hence the task is much "smoother" than you would expect. And lastly, it intensifies your emotion on a separate level altogether! If you ask me whether I would recommend this or not, it is a hundred percent YES from my side!" Anonymous. "Yeah, as long as both partners are hygienic, it is okay, I suppose. It is, however, better to check with your partner if they are queasy about blood because it might be normal for women to encounter period blood; however, for men, it is a different "ball" game altogether! Wink! A tip, spread a towel before you do the deed or keep a wet towel handy just in case it goes out of hand. Shower sex can be a good idea during these times." Anonymous. "Straight period sex is hectic, tbh. I am someone who doesn't prefer condoms while fucking generally, but obviously, during periods of sex, we need the protection, so it's less pleasurable that way, but it surely helps to lessen the pain and the cramps because it releases hormones that relieve pain, I guess? But the comfort level, how I felt in my body at that time, was pretty low, I didn't feel that comfortable, but that wasn't because of my partner, he did whatever he could to make me feel comfortable, but that was just me. It's hard-wired. But my gay period sex experience was way better. Like, the intimacy between two same-gendered people is more, so the understanding is more. I felt less gross and shy. The sex was much more sensuous, and I feel, yeah, I was wetter during this time. I even orgasmed." Anonymous. "Well, personally, I don't like the idea of having while I am on my periods. I find it gross but if I keep an open mind, I think it is okay to have sex on periods if you are comfortable with it. It helps with the pain and cramps as well, so if one is okay with the idea, I would say, 'go get it girl.'" Anonymous. "Period sex is comforting. It especially works for those cramps, and the foreplay part is very helpful on those days when I feel extra clingy and mushy. You want a sense of belonging, a little more intimacy on those days, and period sex gives you all that." Anonymous. "There is a prolonged myth in our society that during periods we can't have sex , and that's totally wrong. Sex during periods totally depends on two people in a relationship , if they are comfortable it's absolutely ok. Also during the periods there is a hormonal imbalance and a sudden hike in your sexual desires , So sex during periods is totally good." Anonymous. "From my side, I don't think having sex during periods is good. I know we tend to feel horny during this time. But personally, I feel having sex during periods can be messy and it ruins the feeling of pleasure that can occur in normal sex cannot be achieved during our periods." Anonymous. "I am not experienced with the topic but I think it is not pleasurable. Yeah people do it on their periods because it acts like a lubricant and at that time women are releasing more hormones but the downside is if the guy doesn't wear a condom then the women will definitely get pregnant." Anonymous. "For me the experience was a bit uncomfortable and not much pleasant. Me and my s/o were much more concerned about not getting our bed sheets bloodstained than the sex...and ya, it was physically painful too." Anonymous. "I have never tried period sex in my entire 9 years' journey and I don't look forward to trying it either. I feel it's messy and also unhygienic to some extent. But, on the other hand, I've also heard it's full of pleasure for the woman." Let's Wrap It Up Then! Sex, in every way, is beautiful. It is hot, passionate, and intimate if done the right way. Sex on period is nothing abnormal. Period is not something you should be disgusted with. It's just a bodily phenomenon, and so is sex. So, mingling them both is not wrong, only as long as you are enjoying it. Sex, after all, is all about comfort, so if either of the partners is not comfortable, it will be a disaster. To avoid that, communicate! Talk about it and then decide if you want to do it or not. And please, practice safe sex! And if there is anything else you want to know, please drop in a comment. I will be here to help you whenever you need me. Read Also: Performance Anxiety: Is It Worth It? Is It Okay To Be In Love With A Married Man? Is It Okay Breaking Off An Engagement – 6 Signs You Should

Is It Ok To Run Everyday

It is a good thing that you asked this question. Many of us keep doing good things for our health, and sometimes we overdo it. And it is great that you ask yourself whether you are overdoing it. Many of us start running and feel that rush to keep running every day as much as possible. Now the answer to your question “Should I run every day” differs from person to person. Let’s say that you are preparing for a running sports competition; then, you will need to run on a regular basis. If you have goals like weight loss, then running is one of the most recommended exercises for you. But, if you are asking if it is ok to run every day, then the answer is – NO. because your body needs rest, and you should give your body a rest for at least a day before you run again. Let me give you an elaborate answer to this question through the article I have put together. Is It Ok To Run Everyday? The simple answer is NO. Even if you have to run regularly, you need to give your muscle the time needed to recover. Also, there are different side effects of overtraining. It can also lead to stress, overuse injuries, and prolonged fatigue. However, this might not be the case for professional runners who know the ins and outs of their bodies. They can program their running habits and routine, and they might be fine running regularly. It is because they can balance their running and recovery period they are able to run on a daily basis. If you want to run on a daily basis, then you have to have a plan to avoid burnout and recover. Go through the section below to find out how often you should run. Why Should You Not Run Every Day? Is it ok to run every day? The answer is no. But why is that so? Rest is needed for your muscles when you are running almost every day. The muscles experience micro-tears due to the moderate or extensive training you do. So, when you rest, it triggers the repair process, where the blood gets pumped into the muscles. In the process, it clears out the lactic acid, thereby supplying oxygen and nutrients. This will not happen easily and instantaneously. The post-workout recovery process will take you more than two or three days sometimes. The post-workout recovery period can range from two days to a week based on the intensity of your running or workout. It can also be based on – RPE (Rate of perceived exertion) during exercise. Type or exercise. Heart rate zone. Duration of exercise. So, if you are thinking, “Is it ok to run everyday” our answer is it depends upon you, your activities, your goal, and the requirement of rest. We suggest calculating the pros and cons of running daily, thereby understanding whether you should run every day or not. How Often Should I Run A Week? If you are an adult, you need to exercise for around 150 minutes to 300 minutes every minute at moderate intensity. However, if you are doing heavy-intensity workouts, then 75 to 150 minutes of workout on a weekly basis might be enough. This is an average estimated by the Physical Activity Guidelines for America. Here is a routine you can follow according to the Physical Activity Guidelines for America – Monday & Wednesday: ON Monday and Wednesday, you can run for 30 minutes and cover 5k in total. Tuesday & Thursday: 15 Minutes of HIIT sprint sessions will balance that out on Tuesdays & Thursdays. Saturday: On Saturday, you can run for 10k that lasts for at least an hour. Fri & Sunday: Then you can rest on Friday and Sunday. Risk Of Running every day There are many risks of running every day without taking rest or giving your body to recover. Also, if you are not providing your body with the necessary nutrients, you will end up damaging it through overwork. Increased Risk Of Injury Each of the heel strikes, when you run, produces generates a force twice or thrice compared to your body weight. When you keep running, you keep adding injury to your body and putting your body at risk. Studies have suggested that 50% of endurance runners experience frequent injuries in their bodies. A few others have also reported trauma from falling and tripping which also adds up to mental injuries. Decreased Level Of Performance By building up a proper recovery time, you build up cardiovascular fitness. This gives your body the capability to repair itself after you work out. But, if you are constantly training your body, you will not experience this adaption. As a result, your performance will suffer. Running every day causes a feeling of tiredness and fatigue in the body. While some say, it makes them physically active, others are of the opinion that they feel drowsy for most parts of the day. Poor Mental Health Many studies have found that exercising can boost or uplift your mood. It has different mental health benefits while also boosting the quality of your sleep. However, excessive exercise or running can disrupt that balance. When you run, your body releases cortisol or stress hormones. But when you give your body adequate recovery time, it will come down to normal. But, if you keep running and running, then the level of cortisol will stay elevated and can cause chronic stress and hormonal imbalance. There are different effects of running. Aside from affecting the biochemical levels of your body, running can affect your mental health. It can put you in a loop where you want to constantly keep running. It also often comes with the risk of you depriving your body of any necessary rest. So, experts recommend taking the necessary recovery time before you go back to running again. Think About These Factors Before Running Everyday? Every action has an equal and opposite reaction and so has running, without taking breaks. But how to calm down the sports enthusiast within us? Well, guess what? You don’t have to stop running every day as long as you are considering these factors:  Start Slow People diagnosed with a few illnesses are often prescribed by the doctor to walk or run every day. But the key to going long without panting is to start slow. Jogging is a great idea to begin with, go at a slow pace, and don’t forget to maintain a good posture, too.  Prevent your heads from tilting, and don’t slump your shoulders. Keep your chest lifted and broader so that your back doesn’t hurt after reaching home. Having a proper posture is important because running every day can sometimes leave you with potential back pain.  Stay Hydrated Always Dehydration is no joke, not at least while running. The condition escalates quickly and leads to immense thirst, fatigue, and, eventually, organ failure. Running, a strenuous exercise, drains a lot of energy from the body. Whatever moisture is present inside is lost in the form of sweat.  To re-fill the moisture, you need to keep yourself enough hydrated. If you run to a faraway place from your house, make sure to carry some liquid in your sipper. This will avoid blackouts or head rush in the mid-way. Even before going jogging, drink enough water and take other liquids, too.  Wear The Right Gear We often underestimate the importance of wearing the right set of apparel and shoes while running. Wearing something inappropriate will cause distraction and discomfort, and ultimately your performance will be ruined. Honestly, none of us would ever want that! Wearing breathable outfits along with tight shoes or sneakers is perfect for those running every day. One cannot run comfortably in flowy outfits and flip-flops. They will simply flip and cause internal damage to themselves.  Proper running gears help to regulate the temperature of the body along with keeping sweat away. It also reduces friction and paves the way for heightened comfort.  Avoid Running Everyday With Heart Conditions As I mentioned already, endurance running has shown signs of poor heart conditions. But those who already have cardiovascular issues must refrain from opting for spontaneous exercise every day. Instead, you can practice a combination of strength and aerobic exercises that will avoid heart blockage. Running is an efficient way of practicing aerobics. But you should not forget the limit. If you still want to go running, make sure to consult your doctor. They can give you certain conditions in following which might help you stay away from potential dangers. Conclusion Yes, you should run to help your body benefit from the exercise. If you are running at moderate intensity, then you can keep doing it at moderate intensity for 3 to 4 days a week. There are different benefits of it which include the rejuvenation of your mind, betterment of your heart health, improvement of your muscle imbalance, and more. However, if you are asking, ‘Is it ok to run everyday’ in heavy intensity, then the answer is no. You must give your body the time to rest and recover. I hope that this article helped you find your answer. For more Is it ok questions, follow OK Magazine. Continue Reading: Benefits Of Travel On Mental Health How To Stay Healthy When Working From Home? 5 Major Ways Healthcare Workers Can Improve Their Patient Care

Is It Ok To Drink Distilled Water

Is it ok to drink distilled water? Is it safe to drink distilled water? So, you have seen one TikTok video where it says you should drink distilled water. There were also some tweets and Instagram reels saying you should not drink distilled water, which is already confusing. We live in a time when we have so much information available, and we do not know what to trust when our health is on the line. So, we thought of helping out with some correct information regarding distilled water. So, Can you drink distilled water? Let’s find out. What Is Distilled Water? Distilled water is a preferable choice to many companies and pharmacies because they do not contain as many impurities as tap water. Some companies create distilled water by using a distiller to remove 99.9% of impurities, such as bacteria and chemicals, from the water. How Is Distilled Water Made? First, normal tap water is boiled, and the steam is transformed into vapor. The impurities that do not boil at the boiling point of water remain in the original water. The vapor, on the other hand, is transferred to another container. This way, distilled water leaves all the impurities. Why Distilled Water Is Not Suitable For Drinking Now, the quality of distilled water itself is not in question. Despite its quality, distilled water might not suit human metabolism. When water gets distilled, essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, sodium, and many other essentials get distilled along with different contaminants. This, in the process, puts the purpose of drinking water in question. Surely we are putting some harmful contaminants out of the way. But, in doing so, we are also creating a deficit of essential minerals that our body requires from water. So, we should understand why we drink water. Does distilled water have all that our body requires from water? Where does it fall short, and where does it provide what our body needs? Water contains different electrolytes that your body needs. Since distilled water does not have those electrolytes, your body is missing out on those electrolytes. However, water is not the only source of electrolytes for your body. So, does the impact done by the deficit of electrolytes in distilled water count as alarming for your body? We have to question your health, nourishment, and the frequency of physical activity, for that matter. Is It Ok To Drink Distilled Water? Now, coming to the essential question, can you drink distilled water? The straightforward answer would be ‘yes.’ However, it will feel distasteful if you compare it to tap water. Some many researches and claims say that you can drink distilled water. There are also some claims saying it you should not drink distilled water. However, to what extents are those claims true or false? For that, I suggest you read the pros and cons of drinking distilled water. Since distilled water removes impurities, it also removes necessary minerals in the process. So, when you are drinking water, you are not providing the necessary minerals that your body consumes from water, minerals such as magnesium and calcium. So, if you want to drink distilled water, ensure that you are getting enough of those minerals from elsewhere. You have to put the necessary daily servings of different vegetables and fruits in your diet in that case. Your geographical location can also invoke the question of "whether you should drink distilled water” or not. If you live in a town or location where the water is contaminated with pesticides or chemicals, you may have to drink distilled water. In this case, Distilled water is a much safer option. Common Arguments Related To Distilled Water Here are some common arguments regarding drinking distilled water – Drinking distilled water can cause health problems for the lack of essential minerals and nutrients. It can also cause dehydration. Also, drinking distilled water is not a bad idea since the body cannot absorb minerals dissolved in water. Drinking distilled water has its benefits. However, it is not suggested for everyone. Also, minerals need to be supplemented from other sources. Who Should Drink Distilled Water? Is it ok to drink distilled water? Perhaps we are not asking the right questions. The confusion is not whether or not you should drink distilled water. However, who the question is coming from matters the most. Normally you can drink distilled water without it affecting your metabolism to some great degree. However, distilled water might not be enough for people under certain conditions - You cannot rely on distilled water when you do an intense workout. Your body will require the minerals the body absorbs from water when you are sick. So, consuming distilled water alone is not the solution for people who are sick. Also, people who are malnourished need to drink water and will not get the necessary minerals from drinking distilled water alone. Does Distilled Water Dehydrate You? So, if you have been drinking distilled water for a long time, according to some studies, you will face the different effects as mentioned here – Tiredness Muscle cramps Heart disease Weakness Distilled water is low in calcium and magnesium. Hence, you may feel these symptoms if you keep consuming them for a long time. However, you can also experience other side effects of consuming distilled water – Having a flat taste upon drinking water. As a result, you will keep drinking water less. It may increase urine output, causing your body to have an imbalance of electrolytes. Even the WHO recognizes the lack of different minerals in distilled water and associates it with different unhealthy effects on the human body. Also, during dehydration, your body loses a certain amount of minerals, such as sodium. So, drinking water is a way to replenish those minerals. If the water is devoid of those minerals, then there is no point in drinking water at all. Is Tap Water The Solution? According to statistics, 71% of US citizens drink tap water. Tap water is usually disinfected, has fluoride added sometimes, and is also approved by the EPA. It is also a cheaper option to drink tap water. However, if you feel that it needs to be purified, then you can resort to that option. But, drinking distilled water for the long term would require you to look for additional sources of necessary minerals. Even if you require to drink distilled water for a long, it is better to discuss it with your healthcare provider. Remember, all the information delivered through this article is based on different researches and data sources. We do not promote or discourage drinking distilled water. The article should be used for the purpose of sharing knowledge. However, if you need to make any decisions regarding the same, please consult with your doctor. So, is it ok to drink distilled water? I am waiting on your response to the question. Read Also: Common Causes Of Dizziness And How To Address Them 5 Reasons To Trust Water Bottle Nerd For Your Next Hydration Companion Lactose Intolerance-Friendly Delights: Dairy-Free Alternatives For Food Lovers

Is It Okay To Eat Watermelon Seeds

Can you name the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word summer? Is it the summer carnivals? Beach parties? Popsicles? Well, for me, it is different and way less fancy. The one thing that comes to my mind when I hear about summer is watermelons. Well, you heard it right. My only connection with summer is a good ol' watermelon. It can never go wrong. You can make shakes and smoothies out of a watermelon, but nothing tops the satisfaction you get from biting on a big piece of watermelon on a summer afternoon. Now imagine biting into the perfect piece, and Alas! It's a seed! No one really likes biting on those crusty little seeds. But have you wondered why not? There is practically no explanation as to why you shouldn't be having watermelon seeds except for the fact that they do not have any strong flavor and are pretty hard to chew on. I know I have confused you, disgusted even, but trust me on this one. I am not bluffing. If you really want to know how beneficial watermelon seeds are for you and how you can use them, keep scrolling down the article as I will be answering the question, "Is it okay to eat watermelon seeds?" Types Of Seeds In A Watermelon Before deciding if you should throw away the watermelon seeds or turn them into a snack, you must know the types of seeds that you would probably find in a watermelon. As you might have seen while eating watermelon, there are mainly two seeds found in the fruit- black seeds and white seeds. The black seeds in the watermelon are more like the matured seeds that can be planted to grow a watermelon plant; however, the white seeds cannot sprout a new plant as they are still immature. You may not realize it, but you may have eaten the white seeds several times as they are soft, chewy, and pretty easy to swallow. So when you buy a watermelon that does not have any black seeds in it, it is not actually "seedless." There are several white seeds in it and therefore is totally safe to eat as it will be a big trouble trying to remove every single white seed. Can You Eat The Black Seeds In Watermelon? While eating watermelon, we tend to throw away the black seeds, but there is no justification behind this. There is no reason for you to remove the black seeds. We just don't prefer eating the black seeds because they do not have any inherent flavor and are harder to chew. The soft white seeds, on the other hand, are soft and potentially easier to eat compared to the hard black seeds. However, both types of seeds are safe to eat; it depends on the inconvenience of individuals as they feel the black seeds make the flesh of the watermelon more inconvenient." Watermelon Seeds Benefits For a long time, we debated questions like "can you eat watermelon seeds?" or "is it bad to eat watermelon seeds?" So now just let us jump into the benefits that you can get from eating watermelon seeds. With its high water content, watermelons make for a healthy snack. While being dense in nutrition, they are also naturally low in calories. You will be surprised to know that 1/8th cup of watermelon contains 4 grams of protein and just 75 calories. An egg has almost 6 to 7 grams of protein. Watermelon seeds are equally high in hearty fats. A 1/8th of it contains about 1 gm of monounsaturated fatty acids and about 4 gm of polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is recommended by American Heart Association to eat a modest amount of these unsaturated fats each day. They lower the levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood. Our bodies are incapable of producing these fats by themselves; therefore, we need external sources in our diet that will suffice the required amounts in our bodies. Also, 1⁄8 cup of watermelon seeds contains 70 mg of Magnesium which is an essential mineral for muscle and nerve functions. Magnesium helps to regulate blood pressure and control sugar levels in our blood. Last but not least, watermelon seeds are an effective source of iron. ⅛ cup of it contains 1 mg of iron, which is an essential component in hemoglobin. Meat and seafood are the highest in iron; therefore, watermelon seeds are a good source of protein for vegetarians and vegans. Now that we have talked a lot about "is it okay to eat watermelon seeds?" let us now see if there are any drawbacks to eating watermelon seeds. This depends on the size of the seed. If the size of the seeds is considerably big, it may cause a choking hazard. Especially for small kids; you make sure you are cautious while eating it. Eating unhealthy amounts of watermelon seeds may cause constipation, which is a common side effect of iron. So, if you are planning on munching on watermelon seeds, start with small portions. See how your body reacts to it, and only then proceed with more. How To Eat Watermelon Seeds? Now that "Is it okay to eat watermelon seeds?" is answered, let's see how you would want to eat watermelon seeds. One of the most popular methods of enjoying watermelon seeds is either by drying or roasting them. Dried seeds add a crunchy edge to salads or yogurt parfaits. They are also low in calories compared to your common crunchy croutons or granola. Roasting watermelon seeds follows the same procedure as roasting sunflower seeds. Heat the oven to 325 degrees and roast the seeds for about 15 minutes. If you are looking for a savory treat, just toss them into a little olive oil and salt. And for the sweet tooth's, you can sprinkle a dash of cinnamon sugar. Wrapping Up Just know that developing a new flavor can be challenging and takes time. I hope to have successfully answered the question, "Is it okay to eat watermelon seeds?" Hopefully, your confusion is a little sorted. Even then, if you still face any confusion, feel free to drop in a comment regarding the same. I will get back to you as soon as possible. Read Also: Is It Okay To Eat Egg Everyday? Is It Okay To Eat Raw Oats? | All Details You Should Know Is It Okay To Skip Breakfast? | The Facts Before Skipping Them

Laptop games

We know very well that we should not play mobile games while charging. A mobile phone can get hampered in various ways if you continue this practice. But playing laptop games is different.  Well, we need to understand that playing games on a smartphone while charging might hamper the battery's health and the phone's capabilities. But once in a lifetime, we have experienced such a situation. We get to know things more quickly than ever in this digital world. We have read blogs or heard from YouTubers that we should not use mobile phones while charging. But some of us are in a dilemma about laptop games and their playing instances.  Are you in the same dilemma of playing games on a laptop?  Well, do not bother removing the charger of your laptop. It does not work the same way your phone works. In fact, if you play laptop games, the laptop battery might get harmed as the whole pressure or load drops on the battery. Why You Should Not Play Laptop Games On Battery Power? Playing games on a laptop is not a rare option in this busy modern world. In fact, we enjoy laptop games more than playing games on mobiles. Why? Well, there are many reasons to find laptop games more interesting than any mobile game. Laptop games are uniquely made for PC games, and those are high-tech distributors. They create unique graphics and better-quality games with a better storyline. We are obsessed with laptop games, but we do not know a healthy gaming process.  We are used to mobile, and thus we think we can also use the same tricks on laptops. But this is now how it works. In fact, you should not play laptop games on its battery power.  Well, there is a particular reason why you should not play games on laptop battery power.  When you consider your laptop's battery to play, you are probably putting too much pressure on your system. For instance, a highly demanding laptop game will ensure more resources from your system. And in turn, your laptop will try to work on it, which needs more backup. But the problem is a laptop that runs on battery backup cannot provide enough resources for the game. This is how both your laptop mechanism and the battery will get damaged. And as a result, you will face a low gaming experience with low FPS.  What else?  Heating Problem With Laptop Games Yes, you might find your laptop overheating. The laptop GPU works with its optimal capacity when it is getting full power. You must remember that laptop batteries are just made for minimal backups, and you cannot use this backup process to play high-end games that require optimal performance from your system.  You will face tremendous battery drainage from 100 - 0 in the blink of an eye. This is not good for your laptop's battery health. On the other hand, your laptop will find it cumbersome to use its RPM (rotations per minute) system.  So, it mainly fails to keep the system cool and overheating issues become prominent. Can I Play Laptop Games Sometimes On Battery Power? After admitting the previous issues, you might not try a laptop game on its battery power.  But this is not for all situations. In some cases, you can still use laptop games while on battery power.  For instance, if you are playing competitive multiplayer online games like Fortnite or Counter-Strike, it's unnecessary to plug in. These multiplayer online games are not heavy and, thus, do not create much pressure on the GPU.  But after you finish your game, close the game tab completely to cool down the system. While heat is the worst enemy of any laptop, no matter what you are doing with your system, it's better to keep it cool as much as possible. Have you heard about the games that gamers play with high-end GPUs? Think of a situation where you are playing such high-end games on your battery power. The whole scenario will tell you that your system is going to hang and the battery power will get damaged soon. Keep Your Battery Life Okay After you have gone through the dangers you may face while playing laptop games on its battery, it's time to check the instances of how you can keep your battery safe.  Keep your screen brightness low to save battery. Your keyboard light also consumes battery. Lower your keyboard backlight when you are not charging your laptop. Turn on the battery saver always. Use dark mode with dark wallpaper. Follow the 80-20 rule. Hope you have got some valuable insights on the idea of playing laptop games while charging. Flame in the comment box if you have further queries regarding laptop games and health. Related Reading About: How To Play The Free Money Beans Pokie Game? What Types Of Portable Charger You Should Carry For Traveling? How To Fix Failed To Authenticate Your Connection Minecraft Error?

renew car insurance

Life is full of uncertainty, especially on roads. Your car might get crashed by another car, and you get injured. So whenever you hit the roads, you need to be extra cautious. One of the steps to getting cautious is insurance coverage. If you think your car insurance is on the brink of getting lapsed, renew it beforehand.  But many might think it unwise to renew their car insurance. Let’s say, for the sake of mere argument, if you drive with extra care and safety, then you do not need insurance coverage. But is it practical enough? Is it okay to renew car insurance like SR22 insurance in Texas? Let’s try to find it out here. What If I Do Not Renew My Car Insurance On Time? In many countries, driving without proper car insurance is a crime and a punishable offense. Valid insurance is one of the important documents that must update with time when you hit the roads. If you are found with your insurance lapsed even for a day, you might be penalized on the road (according to the law of the land).  For example, in Texas, America, you are required to carry proof of liability insurance with a minimum of 30/60/25 coverage. It is mandatory to keep insurance coverage for your vehicle. If you do not follow the rule, you could be fined up to $1000; your vehicle will be impounded for up to 180 days. Not only this, you will be stripped of your driving privileges for up to two years. This is as serious as it could be. Actually, these laws force you to be a law-abiding citizen. So whenever you hit the roads in Texas and are stopped by the authorities, you are to show them the following:  Driver license. Vehicle registration in Texas. Proof of Auto insurance.  What If Your Car Insurance Expired?  If you go out on the road without car insurance, you are carrying risks with you; please keep this in mind. In case of an accident, you will not get any compensation from the insurance company.  You have to manage all the expenditure on the repairs by yourself. You have to take certain steps in case your vehicle insurance expires. So you have no way but to renew car insurance. 1. Contract Your Agent Does car insurance renew automatically? Of course not. In case of the expiry of a vehicle, you can contact your agent and discuss the issue. Do not worry; your agent will take all the responsibility. This will help you save time and effort. In case of an expired insurance policy, you might have to pay a higher premium. 2. Avoid During The Car Driving a car without insurance is not safe at all. If you meet with an accident, your insurance company will not give you a penny for the damage to your vehicle. Would you want to face such a situation? Of course not, so abstain from driving till you renew your car insurance.  3. Choose A Policy  If you get a company offering a better insurance policy for you, then in that case, you must choose to renew your policy with the new one. Therefore to renew car insurance policy is a must for you, new or old. 4. Keep The Papers Safe And Secure If you choose to renew car insurance policy with a new insurer, speak to your insurer and then get the details of all the documents that you are getting with the new insurance policy. Also, remember to keep a copy of your previous policy and registration certificate with you. Keep a valid copy of the old insurance policy in case you need it during an emergency.  Is It Okay To Renew Car Insurance? Yes, It Is Now that you have come to this section, you must understand the repercussions of not renewing your car insurance. Furthermore, you have also read about the steps you must take after your vehicle insurance lapses.  Still in doubt about whether or not to renew your car insurance? Let us give you a one-word answer. A big YES! You have no other option but to renew your car insurance. There are some constructive reasons why you need to renew your car insurance, and that too on time. 1. Ensured Continued Coverage A car insurance policy gives you the much-required coverage for your vehicle. Auto insurance in the USA, in general, provides coverage for: The damage to your car. The liability is your legal responsibility to others for bodily damage.  The medical cost of treating injuries, rehabilitation, lost wages, and funeral expenses.  2. Preventing Financial Liabilities  When you have a car insurance policy, the insurance provider covers any damage or loss of your vehicle. In case of any damage to a third party, the insurer takes the liability. But if you do not renew your car insurance, then all the liabilities of the damage to your car must be legally bound by you.  You will legally have to pay the compensation to the victim's family; forget your vehicle alone. Now this will be too much to bear on one's part.  3. Ensuring Hassle-Free Renewal When you renew car insurance within time, the insurance provider will not inspect the condition of your vehicle.  But if the policy gets lapsed, in that case, the insurance company will consider another check-up before sealing the insurance coverage deal with you. This can take a bit of extra time. So to get your vehicle insured without hassle, you have to renew it before the date of the expiry to get away with the unnecessary hassle.  4. Increased Premium The law with the insurance policy is that you have to pay more for the policy renewal after the insurance expires. It is due to the fact that you start proceedings again from scratch.  You can not complain that you are paying for expensive policies. Therefore, be sure that you renew your car insurance policy way before the expiry date to save yourself from buying expensive policies.  To Renew Or Not To Renew Renewing the insurance policy before the expiry date is a must to keep your car safe and secured. If not renewed, the individual will have to bear all the burden with the renewal of insurance. Moreover, in case of an accident, one may have to bear the expenses of injury or loss of life. Hence, it's always better to renew your car insurance. We hope that you got your answer to the question, does car insurance renew automatically? Read Also: What Types Of Portable Speaker Should You Carry For Traveling? What Types Of GPS Smartwatch You Should Carry For Traveling?

Human foods to dogs

How many times has it happened to you that you are eating something, but your dog is sitting just beside you, staring at you with those irresistible puppy eyes, hoping for a taste of your meal? It’s a common scenario for dog parents. However, it often raises the question, ‘Is it Okay To Feed Human Foods To Dogs?’ We will explore the answer to this question in this article. Is It Okay To Feed Human Food to Dogs? Many of us are under the illusion that dogs can consume everything. But that is not true. Some human foods are very fatty and rich, which can be difficult for dogs to digest. It may lead to vomiting, pancreatitis, and diarrhea. In addition, human food also contains a high amount of salt or sodium, which is not ideal for dogs.  So, there is no straightforward answer to this question because while sharing a bite of your food might seem harmless, it’s important to know which foods are safe and which can be harmful to your canine companion. What May Happen If You Feed Human Foods To Dogs? Feeding your dog from your plate can be lovable and adoring, but it is unhealthy for dogs. You might think that you love them more, and the dogs would definitely love to eat from your plate.  However, your pup does not know what to eat and what not to. And this gets more dangerous for them when you have no idea about their food and health. Dogs Might Face Digestive Problems Most human food is sodium-rich which is not good at all for dogs. They are not habituated to the fatty richness of our food. Even if you want to make them eat human food, you will see them facing severe digestive problems.  So, this is not the area of an experiment that you want to apply to your lovable pet.  They do not have a voice to let you understand if they feel digestive issues. So, you need to be their voice here.  Table Foods Are Toxic For Dogs Human foods to dogs can be toxic. For a small insight, chocolate, grapes, raisins, macadamia nuts, onions, and almonds.  Well, in this modern world, we do not get enough time for cooking. However, we have alternatives like ordering from restaurants.  However, you do not know when it was made and what type of spices are used to make the recipe. We do not think twice about feeding our pets these outside foods.  Even if you go for processed food, it uses artificial sweeteners; for instance, xylitol is very harmful to dogs’ health. Dogs Might Gain Weight You might think that few human foods to dogs would not affect their health. But this is a totally wrong concept. In fact, a 20-pound dog with a single ounce of cheddar cheese can weigh like half a hamburger for a person. For more clarity, 10% of the total daily caloric intake by a human can be dangerous for a dog. So, a few human foods to dogs can cause a huge weight gain of a dog and ultimately lead to heart problems, arthritis, and diabetes. Dogs Might Face Unwanted Behavior Being filled up with human food might trigger a dog's behavior. It's called begging behavior. Well, when the dog knows that they eat the same thing that you eat as well, they might decide to take bites from the table. So, it might be lovable for you, but when guests come into the home, they will not like these inappropriate approaches from the dogs.  Well, dogs who are already filled with human food taste might not want to go back to their own foods. These behavioral changes can be difficult for the dogs to be healthy.  Which Human Food Is Safe For Dogs to Eat? Here is a list of human food that is safe for our dogs:  Eggs Fully cooked eggs are a good source of minerals and vitamins. It is the origin of a lot of proteins as well. Dogs commonly face nausea issues. Well, it is scientifically proven that eggs can help them get rid of this issue. Salmon Go for cooked and boneless salmon. These are safe and healthy sources of food for dogs. Moreover, salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and can help prevent inflammation and skin issues in dogs. White Meat White meat, like chicken, turkey, and fish, is a very good source of protein for dogs. But make sure it's cooked and boneless before feeding it to your furbaby. Peanut Butter Peanut butter is high in protein and healthy fats and can be a good treat option for dogs. It can also be used as a meal topper. But first, ensure that it's unsalted and free of xylitol. Popcorn Dogs can also have plain, air-popped popcorn as a treat. This means no added butter, salt, or other seasonings. Plain popcorn contains fiber and is low in calories, which means that dogs can have popcorn as a treat occasionally. In addition to these foods, dogs can also eat some fruits and vegetables, such as:  Carrots: Low in calories and high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Great for eye health. Green Peas: Rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein. Best given in moderation. Celery: High in fiber and safe for dogs. Cucumbers: Low-calorie treats, high in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin K. Zucchini: High in fiber and low in calories, can be given raw or cooked. Pumpkin: Excellent for digestive health, high in fiber. Green Beans: Packed with calcium, iron, and vitamin K. Serve plain and unsalted. Spinach: Full of iron, vitamin K, and antioxidants. Best given in moderation due to high oxalate content. Apples: High in antioxidants and fiber. Avoid seeds and core. Bananas: Rich in potassium, biotin, and fiber. High in sugar, so give it in moderation. Blueberries: Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber. Low in calories. Oranges: High in vitamin C. Give in small amounts due to high sugar content. Watermelon: Hydrating and low in calories. Remove seeds and rind. Which human foods are not safe for dogs? There are lots of human foods that dogs cannot have because their digestive system cannot properly process certain ingredients present in these food items. Some examples are nutmeg, lemon, raisins, grapes, macadamia nuts, onions, tea, coffee, etc. We have explained in detail why these food items are not good for dogs. Nuts Dogs should not have nuts because they are high in fat and it can be dificult for them to digest.  Eating nuts like almonds, pecans, and walnuts can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. It can also contribute to obesity and pancreatitis.  You should also avoid giving macadamia nuts as it contains an unknown toxin that affects dogs. Chocolate It contains theobromine and caffeine. Both these stimulants are not good for a dog’s digestive system. Eating a whole bar of chocolate can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and even death, depending on the weight and age of your furbaby. Avocado Avocados contain persin. It is a type of toxin that is poisonous to dogs and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and heart congestion. Grapes and Raisins These fruits contain a toxic substance that is highly toxic to dogs. The exact substance in grapes and raisins that causes this toxicity is not definitively known, but recent research suggests that tartaric acid may be the culprit. Coffee Coffee contains methylxanthines, which are toxic to dogs. Drinking coffee can cause restlessness, rapid breathing, heart palpitations, and muscle tremors. Raw Eggs While cooked eggs are a very good source of essential vitamins and minerals, you should avoid giving raw eggs. It can contain Salmonella or E. coli, which an lead to food poisoning and biotin deficiency. In addition to these foods, dogs can also eat some fruits and vegetables, such as:  Carrots: Low in calories and high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Great for eye health. Green Peas: Rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein. Best given in moderation. Celery: High in fiber and safe for dogs. Cucumbers: Low-calorie treats, high in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin K. Zucchini: High in fiber and low in calories, can be given raw or cooked. Pumpkin: Excellent for digestive health, high in fiber. Green Beans: Packed with calcium, iron, and vitamin K. Serve plain and unsalted. Spinach: Full of iron, vitamin K, and antioxidants. Best given in moderation due to high oxalate content. Apples: High in antioxidants and fiber. Avoid seeds and core. Bananas: Rich in potassium, biotin, and fiber. High in sugar, so give it in moderation. Blueberries: Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber. Low in calories. Oranges: High in vitamin C. Give in small amounts due to high sugar content. Watermelon: Hydrating and low in calories. Remove seeds and rind. Which human foods are not safe for dogs? There are lots of human foods that dogs cannot have because their digestive system cannot properly process certain ingredients present in these food items. Some examples are nutmeg, lemon, raisins, grapes, macadamia nuts, onions, tea, coffee, etc. We have explained in detail why these food items are not good for dogs. Nuts Dogs should not have nuts because they are high in fat and it can be dificult for them to digest.  Eating nuts like almonds, pecans, and walnuts can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. It can also contribute to obesity and pancreatitis.  You should also avoid giving macadamia nuts as it contains an unknown toxin that affects dogs. Chocolate It contains theobromine and caffeine. Both these stimulants are not good for a dog’s digestive system. Eating a whole bar of chocolate can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and even death, depending on the weight and age of your furbaby. Avocado Avocados contain persin. It is a type of toxin that is poisonous to dogs and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and heart congestion. Grapes and Raisins These fruits contain a toxic substance that is highly toxic to dogs. The exact substance in grapes and raisins that causes this toxicity is not definitively known, but recent research suggests that tartaric acid may be the culprit. Coffee Coffee contains methylxanthines, which are toxic to dogs. Drinking coffee can cause restlessness, rapid breathing, heart palpitations, and muscle tremors. Raw Eggs While cooked eggs are a very good source of essential vitamins and minerals, you should avoid giving raw eggs. It can contain Salmonella or E. coli, which an lead to food poisoning and biotin deficiency. So, is it okay to feed human food to dogs? Yes, you can feed human food to dogs as long as it is an ingredient that is safe for dogs to consume. Moreover, it will add variety to your dog’s diet and make it more interesting and flavorful. This is particularly beneficial for picky eaters.  Moreover, different textures from foods like crunchy carrots or soft bananas can make mealtime more enjoyable for your dog. But remember, moderation is key when feeding human food to dogs. Avoid overfeeding, as it can lead to obesity and other health issues.  Human foods should only be a small part of your dog’s diet. The majority of their nutrition should come from high-quality dog food that is specifically formulated to meet their dietary needs. You should also consult your vet before feeding human food to your dog or making any changes to ensure they are safe and appropriate for your dog’s specific needs. This is especially important if your dog has any underlying health conditions. Read Also: Is It Okay To Leave Dogs Home Alone? 8 Tips for Parenting Teenage Boy – Learn How to do it!

Traveling without your partner

Solo travelers are often mistaken to be people without friends, family, or love. Lone birds, immersed in wanderlust. However, the truth is you can travel alone and go on solo trips even if you’re in a relationship. It is completely fine traveling without your partner and exploring new locations. With no criticism intended for people who love traveling with their partners, solo travelers often find more peace and serenity when visiting certain locations. Other than that, there are several practical reasons why you should plan your vacations alone, without including your partner. In this article, we shall help you understand some of the most crucial reasons why it is okay when traveling without your partner.  It will help some of our readers to remove the guilt of planning a solo trip and for others to help understand their partner if they feel left out. Why Do Couples Feel Insecure When Their Partners Travel Solo? There may occasionally be unavoidable pressure to do everything with your spouse while in a relationship.  While it's fantastic to share experiences with someone you care about, maintaining a good balance requires ensuring both partners have autonomy and independence. When you go on a solo trip, you may revitalize your relationship and look forward to your partner's companionship even more when you get back together.  Insecurities, such as worries that the traveling companion is having an affair, might be triggered by separate travel. Some people do find that traveling alone is a sign of more significant problems. There is a presumption that if a couple doesn't do everything, a breakup is on the horizon. We rationally understand that having distinct lives and interests is essential to a happy marriage. Although expecting a spouse to share all of your hobbies is unreasonable, it raises the question— is it okay to travel without your partner? Why Should You Consider Traveling Without Your Partner? Barring the insecurities and little feuds, there are some truly enriching factors about traveling without your partner— 1. Separate Leave Policies If both of you are working in different organizations, your leave policies will likely be different from each other. In that case, it will only be a practical option when you travel without your partner.  For most wanderlusts, it can be extremely painful to wait until their partner can arrange a leave can be extremely painful. This can make you feel more stressed and affect your relationship. Therefore, it's best to make separate plans when you want to travel and have managed your leaves.  2. You Can Focus On Other Relationships This is another great reason you must take at least one trip every year without involving your partner.  When you get out with your partner, it is obvious that your co-travelers or friends try to give you the space to attend to your relationship. However, when you’re on a trip without them, you and your mates can focus and invest completely in the company and locations.  It is important to remember that all relationships are equally important. These friends that we often ignore after getting married or getting into a relationship are mostly the ones that encourage us to walk the trail in the first place. Therefore, whenever you plan a trip with such a company, it is okay to leave your partner behind for some days and immerse yourself in the memory lanes and fun stories of your younger days. 3. Independence Can Make You More Spontaneous Going on vacations and short trips with your partner tends to make you less spontaneous. This is because we often rely on them when making decisions.  From booking hotels to finding good restaurants, we tend to rely upon and burden our more spontaneous and resourceful better halves.  However, this makes you less instinctive and incompetent. Therefore, to sharpen your adventurous side and resourcefulness, it is important to plan some of your travels all by yourself and go on trips without your partner. When traveling without your partner, you might get into several troubles. However, don’t let them discourage you. These can be your learning moments and might give you the space to introspect through your own flaws. 4. You Come Back Wanting Them More Anyone who’s been in love has sure felt the craving to miss their partner once in a while. Planning a trip without your partner is one of the best ways to stimulate that emotion where you crave their presence and return to them, which might rekindle your relationship. Imagine looking at the most beautiful sunset from your hotel balcony and longing for your partner for the first time in a long time.  You might not be able to describe that heartfelt moment to your partner, but right there, at that moment, you know how much you love them and want to be with them for the rest of your life.  If you’re going through a rough patch in your relationship or marriage, it is highly advisable to take a solo trip without your partner. Traveling without your partner during such times can make or break your relationship forever.  It allows you to look at the problems, recognizes them better, and come back with a clear mind where you know exactly what you want and what is best for you. How To Communicate The Idea Of Travelling Without Your Partner? Certain couples might need help communicating how and why they plan to travel without their partner. However, even if your partner gets upset, there’s always a way to do it less painfully— Communication Is The Key! All you need to do before traveling without your partner is talk to them. Firstly, you need to inform them beforehand about your plans. This is extremely important as you can give them some time to understand and adjust to the fact. Leaving suddenly can make your partner more perplexed and insecure. Secondly, communicate the reasons. You may want some space and alone time. Or else you’re looking forward to a friend’s trip, and it's a rule that you cannot bring your partner along. Be honest and practical when it comes to reasoning. Thirdly, if you’re unable to convince your partner, plan a trip shortly after with just the two of you. This might help them to calm down.  Other than that, make sure that you keep them included when planning the trip. Keep them updated about your whereabouts and send pictures and videos of the locations you visit. 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eat egg everyday

Eggs have long been a breakfast staple because of nutritional benefits. But there is also a school of thought that believes that eggs are high in cholesterol. Therefore, they should not be eaten every day. With so much conflicting information out there, you might find yourself wondering: Is it okay to eat eggs every day? Whether you’re a fan of scrambled, poached or sunny-side up, understanding the impact of daily egg consumption on your health is essential.  In this article, we’ll crack open the facts about eggs, exploring their nutritional value, potential health benefits, and any risks associated with eating them regularly. So, let’s dive in and discover whether an egg a day can truly keep the doctor away! Is It Okay To Eat an Egg Everyday? Are you suffering from high cholesterol? Well, then, it’s bad news. It is not okay to eat eggs every day as it might risk your heart. But if your health conditions are normal, an egg can help boost immunity and increase energy levels. It is also a good source of potassium, B vitamins, and folate. Here are some key nutritional benefits of eating eggs every day for a healthy individual:  Protein: One egg contains about 6 grams of protein, which is essential for muscle repair and growth. Vitamins and Minerals: Eggs are rich in vitamins A, D, B12, and choline, which support various bodily functions, including vision, bone health, and metabolism. Antioxidants: Eggs contain antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin, which are beneficial for eye health. Cholesterol Concerns to keep in mind Dietary Cholesterol: Eggs do contain cholesterol, but recent research suggests that for most people, dietary cholesterol does not significantly impact blood cholesterol levels. Heart Health: For individuals without pre-existing heart conditions or high cholesterol, eating one egg per day is generally considered safe. However, those with cardiovascular disease or high cholesterol should consult their doctor and may need to limit their intake to a few eggs per week. repair and growth. Vitamins and Minerals: Eggs are rich in vitamins A, D, B12, and choline, which support various bodily functions, including vision, bone health, and metabolism. Antioxidants: Eggs contain antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin, which are beneficial for eye health. Cholesterol Concerns to keep in mind Dietary Cholesterol: Eggs do contain cholesterol, but recent research suggests that for most people, dietary cholesterol does not significantly impact blood cholesterol levels. Heart Health: For individuals without pre-existing heart conditions or high cholesterol, eating one egg per day is generally considered safe. However, those with cardiovascular disease or high cholesterol should consult their doctor and may need to limit their intake to a few eggs per week. Nutrition Breakdown Whether it's breakfast, lunch, or dinner, we love to keep eggs on our diet. However, not everyone is fond of eggs; they still go for egg whites to keep protein without consuming cholesterol. Well, if you know the distribution of nutrition in an egg, it will be better to decide whether or not to eat egg everyday. Do you know the correct quantity of how much sodium in an egg we consume? Well, one egg contains 70 milligrams of sodium. So, sodium in eggs is a prominent option to go for a healthy diet. However, this is not the end of nutrition in an egg. What else?  67 milligrams of potassium, 0 carbohydrates. 6 grams of protein. 200 mg of cholesterol. Is there anything left to mention? If you consume 2 eggs everyday, you might want to know the number of calories in 2 eggs. Well, two eggs contain roughly 150 calories.  Apart from that, you are also missing the vitamin part in an egg. So, if you eat eggs everyday, your body will also consume vitamins A, D, and B12 and choline as well. Conditions Of Body While You Eat Egg Everyday There is no particular healthiest way to eat eggs. However, boiled or scrambled egg whites are preferred by many as it has no cholesterol and 0 fat.  Well, in terms of price, eggs are one of the most affordable proteins available in the market. It is not very costly, but the health benefits, including various nutrients, are high.  We do not get much time to read about eggs, but we eat them whenever we get the chance. But here you can read out the whole concept, including its health benefits. The better you get aware, the more you get accustomed to eating eggs in the proper ways.  Well, the major question here is, what happens to your body if you eat egg everyday? Don't worry! We have got your quarries. Let’s find out the answer here.  You will feel full and energized. You will get healthier hair and skin. Eat egg everyday to get better vision. It helps to increase our bone health. If you eat egg everyday, it will be 69% of the total cholesterol needed in the body. These are the prominent things that you may become accustomed to while eating eggs everyday. Well, before you eat egg everyday, try to understand your whole diet in a day. Do not consume too much cholesterol-friendly food if you want to eat egg everyday. Measure your diet and be free to eat eggs. Different Ways of Preparing Eggs Everyday Here are some delicious and varied ways to prepare eggs that you can enjoy every day: Classic Scramble: Whisk eggs with a bit of milk, salt, and pepper. Cook in a non-stick pan with a little butter or oil until soft and fluffy. Add diced vegetables like bell peppers, onions, spinach, and tomatoes to your scrambled eggs for added nutrition and flavor. Basic Omelette: Beat eggs and pour into a hot, greased pan. Add fillings like cheese, ham, mushrooms, and herbs. Fold and cook until set. Spanish Omelette: Combine eggs with thinly sliced potatoes and onions. Cook slowly until set and golden brown. Eggs Benedict: Poached eggs served on an English muffin with Canadian bacon and hollandaise sauce. Shakshuka: Eggs poached in a spicy tomato sauce with peppers and onions. Serve with crusty bread. Egg Muffins: Whisk eggs with vegetables, cheese, and meats. Pour into a muffin tin and bake until set. Great for meal prep. Classic Egg Salad: Mix chopped hard-boiled eggs with mayonnaise, mustard, celery, and seasonings. Serve on bread or lettuce wraps. Avocado Egg Salad: Replace some or all of the mayonnaise with mashed avocado for a healthier twist. Deviled Eggs: Halve hard-boiled eggs, remove yolks, and mix with mayonnaise, mustard, and seasonings. Pipe the mixture back into the egg whites. You can add a kick with hot sauce, paprika, or diced jalapeños. Simple Egg Drop Soup: Whisk eggs and slowly pour into simmering chicken broth while stirring to create silky egg ribbons. Add green onions and soy sauce for flavor. These methods offer a variety of textures and flavors, ensuring you never get bored with your daily egg intake. Enjoy experimenting with these recipes! Read Also About: Is It Okay To Eat Fruits At Night? How To Get Your Weight Loss Back On Track After A Gastric Bypass

skip breakfast

We’ve all heard the saying, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” But with busy schedules and the rise of intermittent fasting, many people are questioning whether it’s really necessary to start the day with a meal. Is it okay to skip breakfast? This topic has sparked a lot of debate among nutritionists, health enthusiasts, and everyday folks alike.  In this article, we’ll dive into the science behind breakfast, explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of skipping it, and help you decide what’s best for your health and lifestyle. So, whether you’re a fan of breakfast or someone who prefers to wait until lunch, read on to uncover the truth about skipping breakfast. Why Do You Need Breakfast? The most significant meal of the day is frequently referred to as breakfast. Only approximately 44% of individuals regularly eat breakfast.  Your body has been fasting all night; breakfast breaks that fast. Making breakfast the night before or in the morning may benefit your mental and physical health and take five to ten minutes. Here’s why you shouldn't skip breakfast— 1. To Boost Your Energy Bar The primary energy source for your body is glucose, which is absorbed and digested from the carbs you consume.  Glycogen, kept in your muscles and liver, is how your body stores part of the glucose you consume.  A well-balanced breakfast can help you start the day strong by replenishing your glycogen stores and boosting your energy. The difficulty of duties at work, school, and home might increase if when you skip breakfast. Your brain gets the jumpstart it needs in the morning to focus and comprehend information.  An energy-boosting breakfast balanced in terms of proteins, carbs, and good fats will assist. Additionally, it gives the brain the nourishment it requires to operate correctly. 2. Marks The Start To A Healthy Day People who regularly eat breakfast often have healthier diets and eating behaviors.  Eating breakfast has been associated with maintaining a healthy weight, enhancing focus, enhancing performance at work and school, and even enhancing mental health.  An increased risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease can also result when you skip breakfast. You may start your day strong by eating breakfast, which gives you the energy and minerals your body needs.  When you don't have breakfast, your body is already famished by the time you eventually eat in the morning or at lunch. This might result in unhealthy snacking and food choices.  Quality meals, including whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and good fats, should be consumed in the morning. 3. Helps Manage Weight It has been shown that a crucial element in weight reduction and weight management is eating breakfast.  A nutritious breakfast will keep your blood sugar levels stable and keep you fuller longer. It can also give you the necessary vitamins and nutrients to start your day.  The body can burn more calories throughout the day if the metabolism is controlled by eating breakfast. Foods strong in protein and fiber supply the body with long-lasting energy and vital vitamins and minerals.  When you decide to skip breakfast, you prevent your body to get the energy boost to get through your morning duties and have cravings for unhealthy foods during the day.  You may also prevent additional sugar and excessive calories by tracking your diet and reading nutrition labels and ingredient lists. What Does Intermittent Mean? When you follow an intermittent fasting schedule, you only eat during specific times of the day.  If you fast for a specific amount of time each day or eat only one meal a few days a week, your body will be able to burn fat. Humans were hunters and gatherers who had developed the ability to go for long periods without eating before they found farming. Increasing the amount of time before your body runs out of sugar and starts to burn fat is how intermittent fasting works. Choosing a consistent eating and fasting window is the first step in any intermittent fasting strategy.  You may try eating just for eight hours each day and fasting the other sixteen. The Science Behind Intermittent Fasting To skip breakfast has been linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, according to certain research.  According to Freuman, those who eat breakfast are more likely to have lower BMIs and a number of improved metabolic health outcomes.  According to a meta-analysis, regular breakfast consumption may improve cardiovascular health and reduce fatalities from all causes.  However, this does not imply that every person who skips breakfast will gain weight or get type 2 diabetes. Nutritious Breakfast Options Here are some nutritious breakfast options that are both delicious and balanced: Oatmeal Cook oats with milk or water and top with fresh fruits, nuts, and a drizzle of honey. You can also make overnight oats. Mix oats with yogurt, milk, chia seeds, and your favorite fruits. Let it sit in the fridge overnight for a quick, ready-to-eat breakfast. Smoothies You can either make a green Smoothie by blending spinach, banana, greek yogurt, and almond milk. Consider adding a scoop of protein powder for an extra boost. If you prefer something sweet, combine mixed berries, banana, Greek yogurt, and a splash of orange juice or water. Eggs You can either make something simple like a veggie omelet. To make this dish, whisk eggs and cook with a variety of vegetables like bell peppers, spinach, and tomatoes. Add a sprinkle of cheese if desired. Or if you prefer fancy breakfast, make an avocado Toast with Egg. Top whole-grain toast with mashed avocado and a poached or fried egg. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes. Whole-Grain Breakfast If you are looking for a healthy breakfast option, make pancakes using whole-grain flour and top with fresh fruit and a dollop of Greek yogurt. Or, if you want something simple, choose a low-sugar, whole-grain cereal and pair it with milk or a milk alternative. Add fresh fruit for extra nutrients. Chia Pudding For a healthy and tasty start to the morning, you can make basic Chia Pudding. Mix chia seeds with milk or a milk alternative and let it sit overnight. Top with fresh fruit and nuts in the morning. For an unhealthy twist, you can prepare chocolate Chia Pudding. To make it, add a tablespoon of cocoa powder and a bit of maple syrup to your chia pudding mix for a chocolatey treat. Breakfast Wraps Wraps are a very convenient breakfast option for when you are running late but still want something heavy. You can make egg and veggie wrap by scrambling eggs with vegetables and wrap in a whole-grain tortilla. Add a bit of salsa or avocado for extra flavor. Turkey and Avocado wrap is another great option. Fill a whole-grain tortilla with sliced turkey, avocado, spinach, and a bit of mustard or hummus. Quinoa Bowls Quinoa Bowl is another simple yet filling breakfast option. You can either make a sweet or savory bowl. For a sweet Quinoa bowl, Cook quinoa and mix it with almond milk, cinnamon, and a bit of honey. Top with nuts and dried fruit. To make savory Quinoa Bowl, combine cooked quinoa with sautéed vegetables and a poached egg. These options provide a good balance of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates to keep you energized throughout the morning. Enjoy experimenting with these recipes! Nutritious Breakfast Options Here are some nutritious breakfast options that are both delicious and balanced: Oatmeal Cook oats with milk or water and top with fresh fruits, nuts, and a drizzle of honey. You can also make overnight oats. Mix oats with yogurt, milk, chia seeds, and your favorite fruits. Let it sit in the fridge overnight for a quick, ready-to-eat breakfast. Smoothies You can either make a green Smoothie by blending spinach, banana, greek yogurt, and almond milk. Consider adding a scoop of protein powder for an extra boost. If you prefer something sweet, combine mixed berries, banana, Greek yogurt, and a splash of orange juice or water. Eggs You can either make something simple like a veggie omelet. To make this dish, whisk eggs and cook with a variety of vegetables like bell peppers, spinach, and tomatoes. Add a sprinkle of cheese if desired. Or if you prefer fancy breakfast, make an avocado Toast with Egg. Top whole-grain toast with mashed avocado and a poached or fried egg. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes. Whole-Grain Breakfast If you are looking for a healthy breakfast option, make pancakes using whole-grain flour and top with fresh fruit and a dollop of Greek yogurt. Or, if you want something simple, choose a low-sugar, whole-grain cereal and pair it with milk or a milk alternative. Add fresh fruit for extra nutrients. Chia Pudding For a healthy and tasty start to the morning, you can make basic Chia Pudding. Mix chia seeds with milk or a milk alternative and let it sit overnight. Top with fresh fruit and nuts in the morning. For an unhealthy twist, you can prepare chocolate Chia Pudding. To make it, add a tablespoon of cocoa powder and a bit of maple syrup to your chia pudding mix for a chocolatey treat. Breakfast Wraps Wraps are a very convenient breakfast option for when you are running late but still want something heavy. You can make egg and veggie wrap by scrambling eggs with vegetables and wrap in a whole-grain tortilla. Add a bit of salsa or avocado for extra flavor. Turkey and Avocado wrap is another great option. Fill a whole-grain tortilla with sliced turkey, avocado, spinach, and a bit of mustard or hummus. Quinoa Bowls Quinoa Bowl is another simple yet filling breakfast option. You can either make a sweet or savory bowl. For a sweet Quinoa bowl, Cook quinoa and mix it with almond milk, cinnamon, and a bit of honey. Top with nuts and dried fruit. To make savory Quinoa Bowl, combine cooked quinoa with sautéed vegetables and a poached egg. These options provide a good balance of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates to keep you energized throughout the morning. Enjoy experimenting with these recipes! Quick Options To Not Skip Breakfast If breakfast is when your body functions the best, good starters include: Bananas and nuts in your oatmeal. Toast made with whole grains, nut butter, and fruit. Greek yogurt without the fat, with nuts and berries, Eggs with vegetables such as bell peppers, spinach, and scrambled onions. Whole-grain waffles topped with banana slices, strawberries, and low-fat or nonfat yogurt. You Are What You Eat Experts have long maintained that those who eat breakfast are less prone to overeat the remainder of the day and are thus less likely to gain weight.  However, recent research has yet to reveal a weight difference between people who skip breakfast and those who don't.  According to well-established research, regular breakfast eaters had reduced incidences of heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Most likely, those who eat breakfast also practice other good habits that contribute to their overall health.  When you skip breakfast, you’re more likely to smoke, consume more alcohol, and engage in less physical activity.  Breakfast consumption is a personal decision. Continue reading if you enjoy breakfast and believe it supports your efforts to lead a healthy lifestyle. You don't need to have breakfast every morning if you don't enjoy it. Please share your thoughts on how consuming breakfast supports a healthy lifestyle. 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Raw Oats

As we all know, oats have almost become a buzzword in the healthy diet industry. This is one of the few healthy and tasty grains, the one that’s loved by junk eaters as well. There is a good reason why oatmeal cookies, whether they contain raisins or not, are among the most popular cookies in the United States.  Moreover, can you imagine anything more satiating than a steaming bowl of hot oatmeal on a chilly morning, especially when it's topped with butter, maple syrup, or brown sugar? Oats are fantastic in smoothies, but they may also be used in savory recipes like Scottish oat cakes, oats omelets, and khichdi.  Oats should be cooked before including them in your diet because all recipes require thorough cooking. You can also make overnight recipes by soaking your oats in water, milk or other liquid for the entire night. However, the question remains, can you still eat this grain raw? Here we have created a detailed discussion on eating raw oats and some great recipes for starting with this healthy grain. Can You Eat Raw Oats? Cut to the chase: Raw oats is safe and would not affect your health or pose any digestive threat. The soluble fiber beta-glucan found in raw oats has been demonstrated to help reduce blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar.  The quantity of phytic acid in uncooked oats is the only minuscule drawback. Some minerals may be less likely to be absorbed. As a result, however, this effect can be lessened by taking a bath. Additionally, raw oats have a high fiber content and might make you feel full more quickly and for longer than other meals.  Additionally, plant-based proteins, vitamins, and minerals, including manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc, may all be found in abundance in raw oats. They can help prevent constipation and maintain a healthy digestive system. One of the few foods you can consume uncooked and yet maintain a significant amount of nutritional content is oats.  This is so that they may be prepared for cooking and then put through a number of processes to make them consumable, including being exposed to heat.  You may take advantage of all of the healthy elements in raw oats without fearing that they won't taste good. Health Benefits Of Eating Raw Oats A healthy food item usually loses some of its nutritional content when it is cooked. Eating uncooked or partially cooked food helps keep food's nutritional content while providing the proper quantity of vitamins, minerals, and other vital elements our bodies require. Improves Gut Health The insoluble and soluble fiber included in raw oats aids in better digestion, blood sugar control, and constipation reduction.  They can promote simple bowel movements, preventing constipation. Even though oatmeal is regarded as an easy meal on the stomach, eating it uncooked has additional advantages. The insoluble fiber in oats contributes to the bulking up of stool, promoting better digestion and enhancing bowel motions.  It is recommended as a low-cost method of treating constipation. Magnesium and zinc, two nutrients vital for a strong immune system, are abundant in oats. In general, raw oats are beneficial for your digestive system. Improves Cardiac Health Consuming raw oats effectively lowers the chance of developing blood pressure issues.  According to a study with over 18,000 participants, people who eat raw oats at least five times a week can significantly lower blood pressure than those who eat fewer. Compared to rolled oats, raw oats have a greater concentration of beta-glucan, lowering the risk of hypertension.  Regulating and reducing blood pressure can assist in maintaining the health of the heart since high blood pressure is linked to heart illnesses.  Consequently, it has been demonstrated that eating raw oats is good for your heart. Helps Loose Weight A diet high in raw oats lowers weight gain compared to a diet low in raw oats. This results from the significant amount of dietary fiber it contains, which keeps you feeling fuller for longer. Consuming raw oats is linked to a lower risk of weight gain and obesity. Oats are also a great source of energy and a strong source of vital vitamins and minerals, including zinc, magnesium, and B vitamins.  Oats are low in fat and abundant in complex carbohydrates, which helps prevent weight gain by supplying steady energy.  Additionally, it aids in reducing food cravings and desire, which are related to daily calorie reduction—assisting in weight loss and maintenance. Lowers Cholesterol Levels Beta-glucan, a kind of soluble fiber found in high concentrations in raw oats, has been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels.  By absorbing dietary cholesterol and bile salts, they also impact how fat is metabolized, which lowers bad cholesterol. The ability of raw oats to decrease cholesterol has been proven through research. Oats have a lot of protein, which helps lower oxidative stress and stop bad cholesterol from oxidizing, lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease.  Additionally, phytochemicals are found in oats and have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities.  Research shows that regularly eating raw oats may help lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. How To Eat Raw Oats? Oats, in their raw state, are a very adaptable food. Adding healthy grains to your diet is easy and tasty with overnight oats. Making overnight oats by letting raw oats soak in milk or water in the refrigerator is a quick and wholesome method to eat them. You may combine them into a smoothie or use them as a topping for your preferred yogurt. If you’re looking for a simple and easily digestible yet fulfilling breakfast, go for raw oats. You can blend it with fruits and make a smoothie or oatmeal to start your day with a full nutrition charge. Given below is the recipe to prepare overnight oats: Chia seeds, 1 teaspoon. 83 grams of one cup of uncooked oats. 1 cup (240 ml) of water, yogurt, or your preferred dairy or nondairy milk. 1/2 cup of fresh fruit, such as apple slices or a banana. 1 teaspoon of the sweetener of your choice, such as maple syrup, honey, sugar, or a sugar replacement. Make sure you use a perforated lid to store your overnight-soaked oats. This allows the food to breathe and stay fresh all night. You can include additional fresh fruit, nuts, or seeds in the morning if you'd like. Enjoy Your Bowl Of Nourishment Now that we have discussed all the benefits and methods of eating raw oats, it's time for you to try them yourself.  Innovate and create your recipes. Share them with us in the comment section and we shall add them to our nutrition bucket list. Raw oats are your quick and easy solution for any meal and help you stay fit. It is advisable to maintain a habit of having at least one meal with oats every day to keep your gut health up and maintain your metabolism. Read Also About: Is It Okay To Eat Fruits At Night? Is It Okay To Binge Drink Once A Week?