Is It Ok To Run Everyday

Is It Ok To Run Everyday? Potential Risks Of Running Everyday

It is a good thing that you asked this question. Many of us keep doing good things for our health, and sometimes we overdo it. And it is great that you ask yourself whether you are overdoing it.

Many of us start running and feel that rush to keep running every day as much as possible. Now the answer to your question “Should I run every day” differs from person to person.

Let’s say that you are preparing for a running sports competition; then, you will need to run on a regular basis. If you have goals like weight loss, then running is one of the most recommended exercises for you.

But, if you are asking if it is ok to run every day, then the answer is – NO. because your body needs rest, and you should give your body a rest for at least a day before you run again.

Let me give you an elaborate answer to this question through the article I have put together.

Is It Ok To Run Everyday?

The simple answer is NO. Even if you have to run regularly, you need to give your muscle the time needed to recover. Also, there are different side effects of overtraining. It can also lead to stress, overuse injuries, and prolonged fatigue.

However, this might not be the case for professional runners who know the ins and outs of their bodies. They can program their running habits and routine, and they might be fine running regularly. It is because they can balance their running and recovery period they are able to run on a daily basis.

If you want to run on a daily basis, then you have to have a plan to avoid burnout and recover. Go through the section below to find out how often you should run.

Why Should You Not Run Every Day?

Why Should You Not Run Every Day

Is it ok to run every day? The answer is no. But why is that so? Rest is needed for your muscles when you are running almost every day. The muscles experience micro-tears due to the moderate or extensive training you do.

So, when you rest, it triggers the repair process, where the blood gets pumped into the muscles. In the process, it clears out the lactic acid, thereby supplying oxygen and nutrients.

This will not happen easily and instantaneously.

The post-workout recovery process will take you more than two or three days sometimes. The post-workout recovery period can range from two days to a week based on the intensity of your running or workout. It can also be based on –

  • RPE (Rate of perceived exertion) during exercise.
  • Type or exercise.
  • Heart rate zone.
  • Duration of exercise.

So, if you are thinking, “Is it ok to run everyday” our answer is it depends upon you, your activities, your goal, and the requirement of rest. We suggest calculating the pros and cons of running daily, thereby understanding whether you should run every day or not.

How Often Should I Run A Week?

How Often Should I Run A Week

If you are an adult, you need to exercise for around 150 minutes to 300 minutes every minute at moderate intensity. However, if you are doing heavy-intensity workouts, then 75 to 150 minutes of workout on a weekly basis might be enough. This is an average estimated by the Physical Activity Guidelines for America.

Here is a routine you can follow according to the Physical Activity Guidelines for America –

Monday & Wednesday: ON Monday and Wednesday, you can run for 30 minutes and cover 5k in total.

Tuesday & Thursday: 15 Minutes of HIIT sprint sessions will balance that out on Tuesdays & Thursdays.

Saturday: On Saturday, you can run for 10k that lasts for at least an hour.

Fri & Sunday: Then you can rest on Friday and Sunday.

Risk Of Running every day

Risk Of Running every day

There are many risks of running every day without taking rest or giving your body to recover. Also, if you are not providing your body with the necessary nutrients, you will end up damaging it through overwork.

Increased Risk Of Injury

Each of the heel strikes, when you run, produces generates a force twice or thrice compared to your body weight. When you keep running, you keep adding injury to your body and putting your body at risk.

Studies have suggested that 50% of endurance runners experience frequent injuries in their bodies. A few others have also reported trauma from falling and tripping which also adds up to mental injuries.

Decreased Level Of Performance

By building up a proper recovery time, you build up cardiovascular fitness. This gives your body the capability to repair itself after you work out. But, if you are constantly training your body, you will not experience this adaption. As a result, your performance will suffer. Running every day causes a feeling of tiredness and fatigue in the body. While some say, it makes them physically active, others are of the opinion that they feel drowsy for most parts of the day.

Poor Mental Health

Many studies have found that exercising can boost or uplift your mood. It has different mental health benefits while also boosting the quality of your sleep. However, excessive exercise or running can disrupt that balance. When you run, your body releases cortisol or stress hormones.

But when you give your body adequate recovery time, it will come down to normal. But, if you keep running and running, then the level of cortisol will stay elevated and can cause chronic stress and hormonal imbalance.

There are different effects of running. Aside from affecting the biochemical levels of your body, running can affect your mental health. It can put you in a loop where you want to constantly keep running. It also often comes with the risk of you depriving your body of any necessary rest.

So, experts recommend taking the necessary recovery time before you go back to running again.

Think About These Factors Before Running Everyday?

Think About These Factors Before Running Everyday_

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction and so has running, without taking breaks. But how to calm down the sports enthusiast within us? Well, guess what? You don’t have to stop running every day as long as you are considering these factors: 

Start Slow

People diagnosed with a few illnesses are often prescribed by the doctor to walk or run every day. But the key to going long without panting is to start slow. Jogging is a great idea to begin with, go at a slow pace, and don’t forget to maintain a good posture, too. 

Prevent your heads from tilting, and don’t slump your shoulders. Keep your chest lifted and broader so that your back doesn’t hurt after reaching home. Having a proper posture is important because running every day can sometimes leave you with potential back pain. 

Stay Hydrated Always

Dehydration is no joke, not at least while running. The condition escalates quickly and leads to immense thirst, fatigue, and, eventually, organ failure. Running, a strenuous exercise, drains a lot of energy from the body. Whatever moisture is present inside is lost in the form of sweat. 

To re-fill the moisture, you need to keep yourself enough hydrated. If you run to a faraway place from your house, make sure to carry some liquid in your sipper. This will avoid blackouts or head rush in the mid-way. Even before going jogging, drink enough water and take other liquids, too. 

Wear The Right Gear

Wear The Right Gear

We often underestimate the importance of wearing the right set of apparel and shoes while running. Wearing something inappropriate will cause distraction and discomfort, and ultimately your performance will be ruined. Honestly, none of us would ever want that!

Wearing breathable outfits along with tight shoes or sneakers is perfect for those running every day. One cannot run comfortably in flowy outfits and flip-flops. They will simply flip and cause internal damage to themselves. 

Proper running gears help to regulate the temperature of the body along with keeping sweat away. It also reduces friction and paves the way for heightened comfort. 

Avoid Running Everyday With Heart Conditions

Avoid Running Everyday With Heart Conditions

As I mentioned already, endurance running has shown signs of poor heart conditions. But those who already have cardiovascular issues must refrain from opting for spontaneous exercise every day. Instead, you can practice a combination of strength and aerobic exercises that will avoid heart blockage.

Running is an efficient way of practicing aerobics. But you should not forget the limit. If you still want to go running, make sure to consult your doctor. They can give you certain conditions in following which might help you stay away from potential dangers.


Yes, you should run to help your body benefit from the exercise. If you are running at moderate intensity, then you can keep doing it at moderate intensity for 3 to 4 days a week. There are different benefits of it which include the rejuvenation of your mind, betterment of your heart health, improvement of your muscle imbalance, and more.

However, if you are asking, ‘Is it ok to run everyday’ in heavy intensity, then the answer is no. You must give your body the time to rest and recover. I hope that this article helped you find your answer. For more Is it ok questions, follow OK Magazine.

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About Author

Shahnawaz is a passionate and professional Content writer. He loves to read, write, draw and share his knowledge in different niches like Technology, Cryptocurrency, Travel,Social Media, Social Media Marketing, and Healthcare.

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