Is It Ok To Condition Your Hair Everyday?

Is It Ok To Condition Your Hair Everyday? 

Haircare is just as important as skincare. Therefore, one should be just as cautious about taking care of their just how they take care of their skin. When it comes to hair care, a lot of people come up with a lot of questions. What to do, what not to do, how to do, and so on. But one of the most common questions that I come across most often is “is it ok to condition your hair everyday?”

Hair conditioning is an integral part of your hair care routine. But should you be doing it every day? Does it actually help in making the hair healthy or are you just blindly damaging your hair? Well, the questions are many, but the answers are here.

In this article we shall discuss is it ok to condition your hair everyday and all the other conditioning practices to make sure you hair has a healthy growth.

What Is A Conditioner?

What Is A Conditioner

Conditioner is the equivalent of a moisturizer. Only it is for your hair. That does not mean you can put moisturizer on your hair. That is absolutely not something we suggest. Do not do it unless you are planning to go bald anytime soon.

The composition of a conditioner is a lot different from that of a moisturizer. It is composed of cationic surfactants. They help make your hair smooth. The conditioner also has oils, emollients, and in some cases, silicones in it.

Silicones coat the hair to help lock out all the humidity, reducing hair fizziness and making the hair shiny. A conditioner has three main uses. They are:

  • Replenishing a portion of the moisture that shampoo strips away from the hair.
  • Moisturizing the hair correctly after all such chemical treatments like straightening or hair coloring.
  • Help recovering the hair form heat damage. This includes all the damage the hair incurs from straighteners, curling irons, and even hair dryers.

Is It Ok To Condition Your Hair Everyday?

If you have the habit of washing your hair every day, you should also be conditioning your hair alike. Shampoo and conditioner just go hand in hand. If you are using one, there is no way that you can miss out on the other one. Using shampoo without using conditioner can turn out extremely harmful to the health of your hair.

With that being said, if you are planning on conditioning your hair every day without even using shampoo, there will not be any substantial benefit to it as you would have to expose your hair to water to rinse it off. Water saturation may stretch out and damage your hair fibers. Therefore, it is better to avoid any unnecessary contact with water whenever you can.

“Conditioning your hair every day may not be necessary and could lead to product buildup, which can weigh your hair down and make it look greasy. It’s generally recommended to condition your hair 2-3 times a week, or as needed based on your hair type and the condition of your hair. Over-conditioning can also strip your hair of its natural oils, so it’s important to find a balance that works for you. If you have specific concerns about your hair, it’s always a good idea to consult with a professional hairstylist for personalized advice.” 

How Often Should You Be Conditioning Your Hair? 

How Often Should You Be Conditioning Your Hair


Hair conditioning depends from one person to the other. While there are certain rules about applying hair conditioner every day, the entire thing depends on the type of hair conditioner you are using.

If you thought conditioner is only of one type, you are certainly wrong. There are a number of conditioner types. Therefore, each of them has a different technique of application.

Rinse-Out Conditioner

This is the most typical type of conditioner that you have on your bathroom shelf. This is the first thing that comes to your mind the moment I mention the word conditioner. You just need to apply it right after washing off the shampoo, keep it for a minute, and rinse it off. It is only a two-step method that can give you beautiful hair in no time.

As per the American Academy of Dermatology, you should use a rinse-off conditioner after every wash. Doing this three to four times a week is a healthy habit for the hair.

However, if your hair is fine or too oily, you must think twice about the frequency of using a conditioner. Using it too much may weigh down your hair and make it look tacky. You definitely do not want your hair to look tacky just a day after washing it.

If you have curly, coarse, or dry hair, or if you have treated your hair with colors, it is better to condition your hair every time you wash it. This will make sure that your hair is properly moisturized and does not get too frizzy. Being a curly girl myself, I can assure you that conditioning every other day can actually help make your hair even more soft, and you can get rid of the frizz if you start using the right type of conditioner.

Leave-In Conditioner

Just as its name is, this type of conditioner is supposed to be left in your hair till you wash it again the next time. A conditioner of this type is mainly there to help moisturize mild to moderately drier hair and repair hair damage.

As a typical rule, it is only feasible to apply leave-in conditioner once a week. If you have curly hair (just like me), or if it is damaged or dry, twice or thrice a week will just be enough for you.

Deep Conditioner

You need to leave a deep conditioner in your hair for around thirty minutes or more.

These are heavier than rinse-out conditioners. It helps repair heavily damaged hair and hydrates hair that is extremely dry. It is generally normal to apply it every month or two.

Cleansing Conditioner

A cleansing conditioner is very similar to a rinse-out conditioner, only it cleans and conditions your hair at the same time. If you are using a cleansing conditioner, there is no need for you to use a shampoo beforehand.

Typically, they are lighter than the other conditioner types, so they will not weigh your hair down. This makes them a very good option for individuals having oily or fine hair.

Cleansing conditioners are treated a lot like shampoo. Therefore, you may apply it just as frequently as you apply your regular shampoo. This can be daily, every other day, or just the hair wash routine you follow on a regular basis.

If you have curly, dry, or coarse hair, you may wait for longer periods between hair washes. However, hair of these types needs more regular conditioning. Therefore, cleansing conditioners may not be the best option if you have any of those hair types.

Spray Conditioner

Spray Conditioner

A spray conditioner is generally referred to as a detangling spray. It has a very similar concept to that of a leave-in conditioner. But is lighter and has a liquid format. Also, you may apply this on dry or wet hair. This is actually even better if you are someone who suffers from knotty, dry locks of hair. Spray conditioners make it very easy to brush through the hair while making sure that there is the least amount of hair breakage. 

Dry Conditioner

This is yet another spray design, but a product of this kind applies to the hair like a very fine mist. It has a concept that is identical to a dry shampoo. It rehydrates, refreshes, and smooths hair frizz. A dry conditioner makes your hair just as silky and soft that a typical rinse out conditioner will give right after styling.

Is It Ok To Not Condition Your Hair?

Is It Ok To Not Condition Your Hair

Not it is not. Can you imagine going out one day without putting moisturizer on your body? Well, I don’t know about you, but I definitely do look like Medusa’s long lost cousin. Just like that, it is a big no for me to step out of the house without conditioning my hair properly.

Conditioner is the kind of protection that your hair needs. Your hair needs nutrition and care after the damage it incurs from the heat and chemicals you use on it. Yes, conditioners can never undo the damage and turn your hair back to what it was before, it can definitely give some level of protection and make it feel a lot better. 

If you have dry or curly hair, conditioner is a must. There is no way that you should step out of the bathroom without conditioning your hair. Curly hair needs a little more care than straight or normal hair. So, you need to give it that extra care in the form of a good hydrating conditioner. 

How Do You Apply Conditioner Correctly To The Hair? 

How Do You Apply Conditioner Correctly To The Hair: is it ok to condition your hair everyday

Applying conditioner the right way is not as easy as you may think it to be. You cannot just apply it how you feel like it and expect it to show results. The way you apply it vastly affects how it works. It will also make a huge difference in the overall appearance of your hair. 

It is normal for people to be tempted to apply conditioner all over their hair. If you have oily or fine hair, avoid doing this. Your hair will appear tacky and weighed down. 

Instead, make sure you are applying to the edges and the ends of your hair only. The ends of the hair are the ones that go through most of the damage. You may have noticed how the hair ends appear more and more dry over time. 

If you have very dry or curly hair, you may apply it all over the head, but make sure to avoid the scalp. Some individuals with curly hair even find it beneficial to co-wash their hair or use a conditioner rather than a shampoo. 

It is a gentler way to clean the hair, though it may result in residue buildup in some cases. In that case, a clarifying treatment or an apple cider vinegar wash every few weeks may help. 

Are You Over-Conditioning Your Hair? 

Are You Over-Conditioning Your Hair: is it ok to condition your hair everyday

While conditioner is one of the many good things you may apply to your hair, too much good stuff is bad stuff. In the heat of the moment, there is a high chance that you are probably over-conditioning the hair. A few prominent signs of over-conditioning your hair may include: 

  • Lack of volume and buoyancy 
  • Greasiness 
  • More complicating in heat styling the hair 
  • Too much glossiness and shine 

If you ever come across any of these signs, just cut back on the use of conditioner. You may either reduce the number of times you use conditioner in a week or just simply reduce the amount of conditioner you use in one wash. Continue doing it till you achieve the correct amount of smoothness, buoyancy, and shine. 

Or Are You Under-Conditioning Your Hair? 

Yes, just as you can over-condition your hair, there is a chance that you are under-conditioning it as well. Here are a few signs that your hair is highly under-conditioned: 

  • Excessive tangles 
  • Brittle or dry strands that easily break 
  • Dullness 
  • Frizz 

If you are witnessing any of these signs with your hair, it is high time that you up your conditioning game and give your hair just what it wants. You may also go for a deep conditioner once a month to maintain the level of moisture in your hair. 

The Bottom Line 

Is it ok to condition your hair everyday? Well, it depends from one person to the other. Just as I mentioned before, hair conditioning is very important for the health of your hair. But then again, every hair is different and has different needs. 

While some hair types need regular conditioning, some are just fine with twice or thrice a week. People with oily or fine hair should stick to applying conditioner only a couple of times a week; the ones with frizzy, dry, or curly hair must take hair conditioning more seriously. 

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About Author

Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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