How To Hypnotize Anyone In Easy Steps
If you are looking to learn how to hypnotize, then you must read this article to the end as through this article, I will be telling you the tips to hypnotize in 5 easy steps.
Even though hypnotizing seems like a myth, in reality, it is nothing but science. When we hear the term ‘hypnotizing,’ we generally think of the paranormal stuff we mostly see on television.
As you are reading my blog, chances are you want to learn how to hypnotize someone. Do not worry; just keep reading. In this modern-day and age, hypnosis is being used for making people quit smoking or helping people to lose weight.
Believe it or not, we are all influenced by hypnotism in some form or the other. The things that happen in our subconscious minds affect our behavior patterns. So without wasting any further time, let us take a look at the hypnosis definition.
What Does The Term ‘Hypnosis’ Mean?
In simple words, hypnosis means getting into a trance-like state. It is quite similar to daydreaming. It is when you get so lost in your thoughts that you do not care about anything else.
Everything seems like it does not exist. This happens mainly because of two reasons. The first reason is when you get absorbed so much into something that you do not care for a thing in the world and the second way that you can get hypnotized is when someone intentionally hypnotizes you.
The science behind hypnosis is that it allows you to get into an alpha brain state that only happens when you are in deep relaxation. This alpha brain state acts as the bridge between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind.
Now that you know what hypnosis means, now take a closer look at why you would want to hypnotize someone.
How To Hypnotize Someone In Easy Steps
There are several steps to hypnotize someone, but I am going to list only a few for the sake of convenience. Some people like to follow a script, whereas others prefer not to follow any guidelines.
You need to consider certain things before hypnotizing, the steps you need to take before hypnotizing, and the steps you need to take after.
Before Hypnotising
These are the steps you need to take before hypnotizing.
1. Find Someone Who Actually Wants To Be Hypnotised
Hypnotizing someone is not a matter of a joke, so you need to find someone who has no objection to getting hypnotized. You have to find someone who is willing to be hypnotized.
There are a few things to keep in mind before composing. You cannot afford to hypnotize someone who has a history of mental disorders.
2. Choose a Comfortable Environment
In order to learn how to hypnotize, you need to take care of your environment. The environment is the single most important factor when you come to hypnosis, so ensure that the person you are planning to hypnotize is made to feel at home and sit in a comfortable environment.
The room in which your participant sits should be dimly lit. I would highly suggest you turn off all the cell phones or any source of distractions.
3. Make Your Participant Aware Of The End Result
Most people have this preconceived notion that hypnosis is related to ghosts and paranormal activities. But in reality, it is not the case. True hypnosis means zoning out.
Hypnosis can be done if someone wants to quit smoking or lose weight. Make your participants realize what true hypnosis actually is. If required, tell them the following lines.
- You are in control of your own mind.
- You are not under my spell.
- You will do only what you want to do.
4. Ask Your Participant of the Hypnosis Goals
To learn how to hypnotize, you need to be aware of the participant’s goals. Hypnosis is done to reduce anxiety, quit smoking, or weight loss. So you need to be in line with the goals of your participant.
5. Confirm if your partner had been hypnotized before or not
Before hypnotizing your partner, you need to ensure if your partner has been hypnotized before or not. People who had been hypnotized before take less time in getting hypnotized again.
While Hypnotising
These are the steps you need to take while hypnotizing.
1. Speak in a soothing voice
While hypnotizing your partner, you need to make sure you talk in a soft and soothing voice; doing this allows your participant to enter a trance-like state easily. Also, do not speak fast; take your time while hypnotizing; otherwise, you are going to ruin the flow. Use phrases like
- You are Safe and sound here
- You can feel your eyes getting heavy
- You are in complete control
2. Ask Your Participant To Focus on His Breathing
To get the best result of how to hypnotize anyone, you should ask your participant to take slow and deep breaths. Ask him/her to take deep and huge breaths; when a person focuses on his/her breathing, hypnosis becomes a lot easier.
3. Ask Your Participant To Think About Their Body Parts One by One
To get the best results, you need to ask your participant to think about their body parts, starting from the toes all the way up to their heads.
4. Ask Them To Walk Down The Hypnosis staircase
I am sure you have seen this technique in movies before. This is the part where you walk down your participant through the staircase of hypnosis.
It is one of the effective ways to hypnotize someone, as suggested by hypnotherapists. This step is bound to put your participant in a deep trance-like state.
Final Thoughts
There you go, above was pretty much everything you need to know about learning how to hypnotize someone. I hope this guide will help you to hypnotize people effectively.
I hope you have found this article to be informative. If you have any suggestions or feedback in regards to this article, you can consider commenting on them down in the comment section.
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