Start Investing

Is It OK To Start Investing When You Are In Debt

Do you have some extra funds? And you don’t know how to use it wisely?  

Whether to pay off debts or invest the money to earn more and settle debts.

If this situation is also a part of your life, this article is for you.   

Well, there’s no right time to start investing. Any day is a good time. However, paying off your debts is equally significant.   

A survey finds that 77% of American households suffer from debt. So, it’s every other guy’s story in the US.   

Specifically, Americans owe $1.6 trillion for student loans, the highest. The other significant liability is vehicle loans. The total outstanding vehicle loan debt in the US is $1.55 trillion.   

However, mortgage loans are a real snag. American households owe $11.9 trillion in mortgage loans.   

So, it’s natural that paying off debts is your biggest worry.   

Considering your situation, either choice is a rational thing. But investments should always be the imminent priority if you ask me.  

Why Should Investment Take the Front Seat?

Why Should Investment Take the Front Seat?

I may differ from others. But you may start investing with the little funds you have.   

But there’s a catch.   

You must be able to make more than what your debts are costing you.   

For instance, you may have an ongoing loan with a 5% interest rate. At the same time, you have a real estate private credit fund investment, which earns 10% annually.   

So, investing your money in the fund makes more sense here.   

Beware of Volatilities

Everything could be more apparent, speaking of investments. In other words, the investment market is quite volatile. You may lose money here, too. Let’s take the example of top real estate debt funds for a better understanding.   

You’re a gainer this year, as the funds are up by 10%. However, you may also lose 10% next year.  Let’s check out the real estate debt funds list, for safer investments.  

That’s why I’ll talk about the safer investment options you may consider.   

Start Investing in Stocks  

Stocks are one of the best things to indulge in. But there are some parameters. You can only invest a little when you’re in debt.

Secondly, you should avoid taking dire risks while investing. Hence, we must seek safer options with the highest returns.   

Considering the situation, I recommend opening an investment account to put money into stocks.   

What are its benefits?

Firstly, you can start with petty amounts. You may open your account for free. Then, start trading with as little as $1. Some penny stocks cost less than $13.   

But how’d you know which stock to buy?  

To solve this challenge, I’ll suggest using a robo-adviser.   

It will save you the effort of going through every stock to pick your ideal investment.   

Robo-adviser account vendors collect data about your investment needs and financial standings. Based on that, they’ll suggest investment options.   

Easy Ways to Start Investing in Stocks with Little Money

Given the situation, it’s clear you must begin investing now. If you delay, the liabilities of your debt may overwhelm the benefits of investing. You can start with a real estate credit fund. It’s a safe option.  

Also, you may follow the quick tips below and start investing with less.   

Safe stock options for people in debt  

Debt-bound investors can’t afford to lose from the stock market.   

At the same time, gaining more than the current monthly/annual debt liabilities is imperative. Only then does prioritizing investments before debt payoff make sense.   

So, let me recommend some safe stocks that would suit your portfolio. Moreover, I would recommend you invest in private real estate debt funds. 

Berkshire Hathaway  

Berkshire has an extensive and diverse portfolio. It is a conglomerate of big brands like Apple, BoA, Coca-Cola, and more.   

Investing in Berkshire is like investing in index funds.   

Warren Buffet himself curated most of Berkshire Hathway’s stocks. So, we can easily trust it.  

Who can buy Berkshire’s stocks?  

Well, anybody can. But it will benefit people who can’t afford to lose.   

Walt Disney

Walt Disney

Entertainment giant Disney has an array of businesses. Disney has everything from theme parks to movie studios.   

Remember, a diverse brand portfolio means its stock will be equally strong.   

Some or other businesses will have high pricing power and attract customers.   

For Disney, it’s different. Almost all their businesses do well under dynamic conditions.   

During the pandemic, the theme parks suffered severely. However, OTT content emerged as the winner. So, one compensated for another.   


If you want to start investing, P&G is a potential single-stock option.   

This FMCG stock’s nimble movements can boost your portfolio overnight.   

All P&G brands are globally reputed. Hence, it is one of the best dividend stocks you would come across.   

P&G is currently trading at $165.664.   



Vanguard is a real estate index fund which is why I recommend it more. Real estate funds are always high paying and safer than other funds, too.   

People who would start investing from scratch can benefit from Vanguard.   

It diversifies your portfolio across various commercial properties.   

There is another reason to suggest Vanguard. It invests in a myriad of real estate stocks and hence, it pays a cut above the industry average.   

IRA Retirement Accounts

Many companies open retirement accounts for employees. However, you may also open an individual retirement account.   

There are two types of individual retirement accounts (IRA)-  

  • Roth IRA  
  • Traditional IRA  

The foremost benefit of opening this account is that it’s tax-free. You may also save up to $ 7,000 annually in an IRA account till you are 50 years of age. After that, the upper cap becomes $80005.   

You don’t need a significant one-time investment to start saving with an IRA. Deducting a fragment of your salary/earnings won’t matter much. But you may save about $7000 by the end of the year.   

Purchasing Fractions of a Stock

Purchasing Fractions of a Stock

Remember I mentioned that you can buy stocks for as little as $1? I’ll explain how now.   

If you want to start investing and are in debt, too, fractional stock purchase can be helpful.   

There are many apps or websites where you can buy stock fractions.   

For instance, Nvidia’s stock price is $131.386. But you can buy 0.1 shares for $1.3. As a result, you will have reputable stocks in your portfolio. Again, your chances of gaining from the market are also multiplied.   

I clarified how to start investing in the stock market with a little money. If you think you’d try other viable options, keep reading.   

How to Invest in Stocks for Beginners with Little Money?

How to Invest in Stocks for Beginners with Little Money?

I always recommend that beginners start investing with little funds. As you get in the loop of earnings, you may reinvest the amount into buying stocks.   

Here are some excellent options for beginners to start investing.   

Index Funds and ETFs  

What keeps your investments safer is a diverse portfolio. That’s just what index funds do for you.   

The index funds and ETFs track indexes like S&P 500, Dow Jones, etc.   

When you invest in these funds, your money is equally distributed to the companies in the index.   

Hence, you can invest in all companies in the index without buying individual stocks.   

Savings Bonds

Savings Bonds

Beginners should take little risks. Especially with debt hovering over you, taking risks is not an option. That’s why savings bonds are the best for you.   

You may buy savings bonds for at least 30 days. Alternatively, you may keep saving for 30 years.   

However, there’s a catch.   

You must leave a bond till its maturity to get the highest benefit.   

As savings bonds are risk-free, they help you diversify your portfolio and reduce investment risks.   

Pros and Cons of Debt Settlement Before Investing

Pros and Cons of Debt Settlement Before Investing

Debt settlement is as crucial as investing. But many people are unable to strike the right time to do it.   

Hence, I want to discuss the pros and cons of prioritizing debt settlement before investment. As a result, you may make more informed financial decisions.   


  • Circulating debts have a high interest rate. By paying off debt faster, you can save the money that is being unnecessarily drained.
  • Paying off debts improves your credit score, too. Hence, a lot of investment and funding options are open.


  • Investments can cover the recurring payment liabilities from debts. If you prefer to pay off debts before anything, you will miss the benefits.  
  • You must erode your stock if you’re paying off debts first. But investing lets you pay off debt gradually, helping you accumulate extra savings.  

The Bottom Line  

To start investing, you don’t need a wad of cash. But it would help if you had the right policy and direction. I hope this article helps you find both.   

some parameters to consider when starting to invest to pay off debts first are summarized in the article.   

If you start investing, you can pay off your debts simultaneously. The extra cash flow will allow you to clear debts without blowing up your savings.   

If you need clarification regarding which option to choose comment below.

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