Tiktok Video Production

Tiktok Video Production: Mastering The Art Of Short, Viral Videos

Since breaking onto the social media scene, TikTok has rapidly become one of the most used social media apps. According to statistics from SearchLogistics, up to one billion people use TikTok actively every month. For business owners, this translates into a potential stream of engagements and boosts to hundreds of thousands and even millions of people.

However, TikTok is somewhat unique compared to other social media platforms. As such, the TikTok video production process requires some uniqueness to ensure maximum impact. This post will walk you through everything you need to know about creating viral TikTok videos that effectively capture the attention of your target audience.

#1. Brevity

supports brevity of Tiktok

Fundamentally, one of the major appeals of TikTok to millions of users is that it supports brevity. TikTok has millions of creators with unique content. Because of this, users can view and interact with as many short videos as they want.

In keeping with this, the first rule of creating viral content on TikTok is to focus on brevity. Generally, your videos shouldn’t be more than 60 seconds if you want them to be very impactful. If your video is too long, your viewers will leave it without bothering to watch it until the end.

This might seem like a minor issue, but it’s a very serious one. Multiple viewers leaving your videos without seeing them to the end tells the algorithm that your content just isn’t good enough. This will, in turn, lead to reduced exposure for you.

#2. Hook Within First 3 Seconds

TikTok doesn’t give chances for a slow build to stories or content. Viewers on this platform potentially have billions of options regarding videos to view and TikTok also has millions of fellow creators like you who are vying for attention and engagement. So, if you want to create TikTok videos that go viral, you need to be able to create content that halts the scrolling process.

To do this, you have to insert a very attractive hook within the first three seconds of the video. This is vital because that’s about the time length TikTok users spare to see if the content is worth their time and attention.

#3. Have A Unique Perspective

Viral TikTok video

Viral TikTok videos all have one major thing in common: a unique perspective on content presentation. You don’t necessarily have to come up with an entirely new thing before you can be viral on TikTok. You only have to develop a unique and engaging way to convey your message.

Having a unique perspective and approach to TikTok videos stands you out from your competitors and other creators. It pretty much helps you leave a mark on the minds of your target audience, ensuring they’ll keep coming back for more.

#4. Trend Surfing

One easy way to ensure you consistently remain on the feed of most TikTok users and gain more exposure is to stay updated with the latest trends and challenges. When you add trending sounds or filters to your videos, you significantly increase the chances that more people will see what you have put out. If your attempt at the challenge or trend is outstanding, you could go viral within hours or days.

#5. Branding

On a platform filled with millions of creators, branding plays a huge role in succeeding and going viral. Creators who are consistent with their branding are always able to gain a huge loyal following much more easily.

Some branding factors you’ll want to consider include font size, background, color, and even your outfit. All of these features sync up nicely before your audience’s eyes, and they serve as your identification among other creators. If at all you want to initiate some changes to your branding profile, do so gradually and not abruptly.

#6. Use Hashtags

Use Hashtags

The concept of using hashtags to improve content discoverability isn’t novel to TikTok. However, it should be said: that it’s particularly effective here. Every TikTok niche has specific hashtags that help to attract a particular demography of TikTok users.

If you want to be able to carry out TikTok video production that makes waves within your industry and beyond, you’ll need to discover and add these key hashtags to your video captions. Doing so helps to ensure that your video will be among the search results wherever someone searches for something related to the keywords.

#7. Prioritize Quality

It should go without saying, but TikTok users are very particular about the quality of videos they watch. The perfect TikTok video has to have excellent graphic quality and clear audio delivery. If your video is grainy or the audio isn’t syncing well with the actions on video, people will be less inclined to share your post. This will, in turn, cause your views and engagements to drop significantly.

If you want to create high-quality TikTok videos, here are some tips for you:

  1. Plan your content and develop a script before shooting the video.
  2. Shoot your videos in places with good lighting to ensure they look attractive and professional.
  3. Ensure your audio is clear and there are no background noises or distractions. If your budget permits it, you could invest in a good microphone to further improve things.
  4. Keep things simple, and avoid cluttering your screen with too much text.
  5. Hire a professional. If you have little to no experience shooting and editing TikTok videos, hire someone to do it for you. This way, you’ll be sure you’re getting quality outputs.


So there you have it: seven key tips for viral TikTok video production. TikTok offers lots of advantages to those who know how to utilize it fully. However, creating hit videos on TikTok requires a calm, strategic approach.

By following the tips explained above, you can ensure your TikTok videos are maximized for full impact. That said, note that you should also pay attention to your viewers’ feedback to ensure you’re putting out content they want to watch.

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About Author

With an adept skill of curating content on multiple genres, Mony has harnessed success as a Content Writer quickly. Find her sharing profound thoughts and opinions on lifestyle, beauty, fashion, pets, and parenting.

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