is it ok to watch porn

Is It Ok To Watch Porn Everyday?

Is it ok to watch porn? There is nothing wrong with it. I mean, it is indeed a good way to pass your time when you are getting bored, or maybe just learn a few things once in a while. But watching it every day is a little too much.

I mean, we all know that porn is nothing but scripted sex. Nothing about it is true. So watching it every day can just give you unnecessary expectations and ideas about sex, especially if you have never done it before.

Porn addiction is pretty serious among teens and people in their early 20s. While they may not understand it, there are severe repercussions of watching porn every day. If you fail to control it when there is still time, you may end up in serious trouble in the years to come.

In this article, we shall discuss whether is it ok to watch porn every day and the major consequences of developing a porn addiction.

Is It ok To Watch Porn Every Day?

Is It ok To Watch Porn Every Day

Ok, let us be clear here. There is nothing wrong with watching porn. It is a guilty pleasure, and we would all be in court if it was a crime.

Occasionally, it is completely ok to watch porn. I mean, there has been a taboo about watching porn, and I feel like it is baseless. I mean, God would not really punish you for watching porn. So yeah, you may easily watch porn every day. However, what I would not suggest is watching porn every day.

That is unhealthy. More like it is utterly toxic. Watching the same thing everyday can become an addiction. Addiction to porn is nothing less than alcohol or drug addiction. It is severe and dangerous. People who are addicted to porn usually divert themselves from reality and live in a world that is totally influenced by what they watch.

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Here are some of the side effects of watching porn everyday:

Watching Porn Everyday Reduces Your Libido

This is something you need to be scared of. I understand the urge to masturbate every time you are watching porn. It is normal. Masturbating in itself is a healthy habit. But masturbating everyday is not.

When you keep on doing it, it will reduce your sex drive. Porn addiction takes you to a position where you would find masturbation more pleasurable than actual sex. This is problematic. People with severe porn addiction get turned on only by porn. Real sex does not even arouse them. This will have a serious impact on your sex life and may lead to serious issues like erectile dysfunction.

Regular Porn May Increase The Risk Of Erectile Dysfunction In Men

Men get erections due to the release of a certain chemical in their brain cells. These chemicals, such as dopamine, are released when men get in touch with, see, or hear anything that genuinely turns them on.

When you watch porn in excessive amounts, the release of dopamine increases. This disrupts your dopamine reward system. Hence, your body would stop responding to all the natural things that turn you on like your partner. Imagine the embarrassment when you are finally with someone you have been anticipating for years, and it doesn’t get up.

Reduces Your Sperm Count

There is only a limit to which the male body can produce sperm. When you masturbate too much by watching porn regularly, it will reduce sperm density in semen. While this would not have any impact on your fertility, it will result in sexual dysfunctions like Premature Ejaculation.

Porn Addiction Causes Mental Health Issues

Imagine watching porn everyday and thinking you are going to get the same thing once. The wait and the anticipation can immediately turn into depression, anxiety, and anger issues, which may transform into psychological cravings. When you have cravings of such high levels, you end up being more aggressive when you are not able to get it.

Increases Expectations

People take a lot of time to realize that whatever they watch in porn does not happen in real life. It is all made up. It is nothing but acting. All those forced sex videos are completely consensual and scripted.

Watching too much porn makes people have high expectations of what sex is going to be. They become more aggressive and do not understand the meaning of no. They take “no” as a challenge and keep pursuing their partners, which becomes more and more aggressive to turn into force finally. Porn addiction is one of the major reasons behind teenage rape, where kids cannot distinguish between what they see on screen and what real life is all about.

How To Control Your Porn Addiction?

Professional help is always there when you feel like it is getting too much. However, you can always keep control of it if you wish to.

There is nothing stronger than self-control. So, as long as you have that, I would say that you are in a safe space. Yet, there are some helpful ways that you may tryout to control your porn addiction.

Do Not Overdo It:

As I said before, watching porn occasionally is fine. It is good as long as you are doing it as time passes. However, make sure you are not overdoing it. Whatever you do, do not get into the habit of watching porn everyday. That is dangerous!

Switch Things Up:

I mean, don’t you get bored of watching the same thing over and over again? When you feel like it is developing into a habit, switch things up. Read erotica or steamy fanfiction. Just do not watch porn whenever you are bored.

Sharing Is Caring:

If you are dating someone, watching porn together is a way of spicing things up. From BDSM to edging, to overstimulating, voyeurism, and whatnot that you may try out with your partner. Do not just be judgemental and ask for their preferences. Trust me, your sex life is going to get a thousand times better.

Don’t Be A Judge Of Yourself Either:

Everything that happens in porn is, after all, “reel life.’ So, do not feel ashamed or judge yourself for not being able to do the same in real life.

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Wrapping Up!

I hope you already know is it ok to watch porn every day, but I am happy to give you the validation you need.

Porn is fun and feels even better when you first discover it. However, too much of it is damaging. Not only will it affect your physical being, but your mental being as well. Porn addiction makes you aggressive and angry, which may, in turn, affect your relationship with your partner. Hence, be wise and make the right decision.

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About Author

Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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